Best and quickest way to learn spanish

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    Hi everyone,
    Is the rosetta stone program the easiest way to learn?
    I really need to learn basic spanish for upcoming trips to CR and Mexico next year. Well……really Mexico! It’s tough when your snake hunting in the back country and you have to explain to 15 kids with machine guns at a checkpoint why your heading where your heading.
    Hotels are also a problem.
    Anyone have any ideas ? Thanks , Kenny S>


    The easiest and best way is to get yourself a long haired dictionary however, from your other posting about finding a romantic restaurant in Jaco for you and your girlfriend, maybe that’s not such a good idea in this case.

    I have heard good things about the Rosetta Stone programs but have not actually used it…

    Reading Spanish newspapers EVERY day without fail will teach you more than you can imagine (without realizing it) and no matter where you are in the US, you gottta’ be able to find them.

    I would also recommend you watch all DVDs with the Spanish subtitles turned on.

    Having said all that, although everybody tells me my Spanish great, it doens’t feel ‘great’ to me!

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Check with your local library. My parents’ local library in California offers Rosetta Stone online, if you have a library card.


    My husband and I are desperately trying to learn spanish. We bought the Rosetta Stone program, and while I think it is good, it is tedious and boring. I am not a patient enough person and my Spanish skills reflect it. I am trying to force myself to use it though. We also bought the Instant Immersion Spanish series which you can listen to in your car. I like this better. I don’t retain as much but the time goes fast while driving every day. I also checked out some children’s books and bought simple mindless magazines while down there like “People” in spanish. I would love to get a surfer-type dictionary but I do not think my husband would approve.



    If you receive (am presuming you are still in US) Spanish stations on your tv and radio, have them on all of the time you will be suprized how listening to the language used (even if you don’t understand a word) will help. Before too long you will begin pick out single words and not long after groups of words. Read anything you can get your hands on, don’t try to understand what you are reading that will come in time.

    Good Luck


    I am fortunate enough to be fluent since my mother is Argentine, however, my wife is not. She recently purchased Rosetta Stone software (Spain spanish, which is very formal and lispy)and I was extremely impressed with their picture learning format. She has been studying for 2 weeks now and we can actual converse already. Definitely worth the $300 and I am confident she will be able to speak with the locals on our 2nd trip to CR in February.



    Posted Nov 15,2006 10:15 AM C. Risley
    I have been using the Rocket Spanish ( and it is very easy…has downloadable format and text and a whole bunch of books that you can download too. Very inexpensive and you can make cd’s or mp3’s or just listen and read on your computer. Latin American speakers.


    My wife has been taking Spanish by class for two years – I can speak fairly well with her after three weeks of Rosetta Stone! I’l have a better evaluation after my trip back to Sierpe in two weeks.



    Posted Nov 16,2006 2:06 PM ymontagne
    I studied with Rosetta for over 2 months prior to traveling in Central America–it will not teach you the things you need to interact at hotels and have basic interactions. (Things like I need, I want, can you help me). Since then, I have tried many others. If you want a focused class that you can use to get around, I would try Rocket Spanish or the Pimsleur tapes.


    I have Rosetta Stone and find it helpful. However, I have really enjoyed Learning Spanish Like Crazy. 30 lessons downloaded for 100 bucks. Also a discussion board. I walk to work and back a bout 20 minutes a day and go through the tapes. They use native spanish speakers which is nice.


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