Cameras filming you – What next?

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    Muchas Gracias, Rebeca. Looks like we’re starting a mutual admiration society. LOL. Seriously though, this small invasion of our liberties and privacy in the name of “protecting society,” has got to be nipped in the bud. The government’s duty to protect its citizens has to have limits. It is quite apparent that fear is running the show. Fear by a government that does not know how to deal with today’s situations in the world, and a citizenry that is becoming fearful of its own government. The crap that went on the senate floor today was unbelievable. Harry Reid’s remarks about the Limbaugh letter, has me questioning his sanity. Try to find it in the news. It will make you think these egotistical officials have left the planet. By the way, I’m no Limbaugh fan. I don’t care much for neo-cons. They are the ones that got us into this mess.

    As much as I will hate myself in the morning for saying this, we were better off under Clinton. Oh boy, Am I gonna hate myself!

    There is hardly a politician out there that has a clue of what is going on in the lives and minds of the majority of people in this country. I fear for the soul of this once great nation. The one that stood up to Nazi Germany, helped prevent a grateful Europe from going down the drain, and shed its national blood for a greater cause. You know Hitler thought the US wouldn’t have the resolve to fight for an ideal. Freedom, was that Ideal, and in those days it was worth fighting for. All we’ve done now is pi** it down a rat-hole. We’ve sold out our ideals, traditions, families and I hope not our future.

    You know, the Catholic church for all its problems, has stood against communism, oppression, and evil. They condemn the act of homosexuality, but by doctrine, they are God’s children, and should be treated with respect.

    On 9/11, an openly gay but not sexually active priest, FR.Mike, was the chaplain of the NYC Fire Dept. He died at the towers while giving last rights to a fallen fireman. The other firemen took his body back to the firehouse, laid it on the dining room table, cleaned the blood off him, and kept him there all night before allowing his body to be taken for funeral preparation. They loved him, and treated him with respect. Big, burly, NYC firemen treated a homosexual priest with the respect he deserved. We are all God’s children. sometimes I think we need to be reminded.

    I’ve not read Fritjof Capra. Now I will. Thanks.


    Oh the New Testament thing! That was very good you little spin expert you. I forgot that the Old Testament was not part of the Bible. So we can just exclude it and pick the parts we like! Very clever you covering that point in your post, so as to expose it before I nail you with it – taking the wind out of my sails. None the less consider your self nailed.

    So it’s pick and choose Christianity and you are not religious just spiritual – my, my we have all the answers do we not? At least my critical comments are direct – as most of your indirect disguised passive aggressive behavior – very womanly. Typical feminist stuff – hide behind the skirt when it’s appropriate and then come out and fight like a man when you can.

    But I shall not stoop to the cry-foul game that is so prevalent among those that love to play the race card and the “you all think women are less than men” card, Tisk – tisk. Aragon, you should stop using such crutches and try to stand on your opinion and intellect alone – it is less of the victimization thing and more of the liberation thing – in real world time – so let go of the yesteryear-world and wake up to the new world in which people of color and women do not need to fall back on the “oppressed” thing.

    BTW I think women have more power than men but they have been duped by the card carrying feminist to try to use their masculine power (everybody has both) to compete instead of using their god given female power which Taoist philosophy clearly calls superior.

    Very Ironic that feminist are abandoning the more powerful energy to seek the less powerful energy – wouldn’t you say. So feminist are not really about equal power, they are about equal masculine power – except they have forgotten about the genitalia now haven’t they. So when they get masculine power it just doesn’t really play right now does it? Kinda unnatural and non traditional – the antithesis of natural and traditional, which happens to be what most Ticos would consider themselves – and after all this site is about Costa Rica now isn’t it?

    Also the quantity of words versus the quality of them is another feminine trait you use well. You are defiantly all-woman Aragon. The problem is being all-woman does not play well when trying to compete for masculine power. But it does wear masculine power down as feminine power is know for ite endurance.

    Now if you were clever, (you are obviously smart, although much less clever) you would dig into the feminine power that is part of you natural element of power. But I can see that you are a slug it out with the boys type.

    Have you not learned much from your CR girlfriends that astutely use their natural elements of power (femininity) to charm their way to their goals along with their smarts and status, and I am a big fan of that. No – the Gringa in you must “Overcome” and the minority in you must support the “we shall overcome” theme.

    Well Aragon you obviously have this self definition clash – Gringa, minority, race thing going and its all to confusing for me. So if you can’t win on the validity of your argument than just dazzle em with smoke and mirrors and misdirection – ehh?

    I am watching you Aragon and it is quite amusing, but hardly charming (a feminine trait, generally speaking).

    – Nighty night Beca


    Diego, You’ve got staying power, I’ll give you I think you may have at least met your match this time. Others have tried, including myself, and come up a bit short. This time you’re getting a run for your money.


    Alfred – I am quite shocked – are you implying the Bible, whcih I think Catholics know a bit about, according to Catholics, whih I think you might know a bit about – does not condone homosexuality – which Aragon has spun into a “don’t pick on people” thing???? Just shocked – who will break the news to Beca – she will be just crushed poor thing…


    My-my Grandmother, what big teeth you have! All the better to eat you with my dear.

    Regarding staying power – yeah well I have been told that before in several contexts.

    Run for the money? Que va – Childs play!


    If certain persons are interested? I have a nice brace of dueling pistols for sale. OOPS, I forgot, no commercial posts.


    I think she went home to sulk? What da ya think Al – was I too hard on her. Should I have cut her slack because she is a woman. Naw! Poor thing probally depreesed walking on the Malecon all alone drinking a Cristal trying to thumb a ride in a 57 Chevy… Ocean spray in her hair, salt cristals on her fragil skin, traces of lipstick on the sleeves of her white cotton see through blouse – I can smell the faint perfume of melencoly in the air. Wow I am going back to La Habana – I am getting excited just thining about them.. Thanks Arabegon





    Thank you.

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