Can I really live on $1500 a month in Costa Rica?

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    [quote=”kmaxine”]Thank you for your response.
    No, My disability comes up for review evey 6 or 7 years. Beings my disease has no cure, I doubt it will ever be denied though.
    So, this will be a problem then? It has to be ‘permanently’ guaranteed. Hmmmm I will do some checking.[/quote]

    As a note, I do disability cases…..used to do SSA and Medicaid, now, just Medicaid, though still often deal with the SSA cases.
    My wife was on disability and we went through a lot awhile back, not to reinstate her when she was knocked off the disability rolls, but to avoid paying the $23,000 that SSA “over paid” us….I know others to that are getting screwed on it…You might have a 7 year diary and might get renewed, but CR law I think has you ahve to prove long term, steady earnings and you might get is some trouble down the road. One thing the local offices are encountering is that they do not review cases timely and hence, you might get over paid for a few months or even, years…..then they will come after you..seeing a lot now at local office levels of this, straight out lying,etc.
    Not trying to scare you, but would not want you to get too invested, cut to many ties here in USA,etc…..PM me if ya want for further….


    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]. If there’s no mention of a review, you may be on solid ground.[/quote]

    Perhaps, as far as the CR Govt and its rules on residancy,etc….but likely, there will be a review, unless our poster reaches retirment age and then, gets switched, automatically mostof the time, to that category. if not, there will be a review and depending on the disease, new rules,cures,procedures,etc, could be bumped off the rolls of disability and hence, no more money and again, they might decide he/she “over paid” and could come after him/her for the amount. He/she would then have to set up a repayment program, crimping lifestyle even more then a fixed income and eventually, SSA might say “enough of this monthly pay back, we want all/more”, which has happened….

    If I knew more about our poster, could say more concretely what might happen, would need to know:
    -how they were approved (a tranplant gets you only one yr as opposed to the normal 3 for under 50-55 yrs of age,etc)
    -their age and education
    -their diary (sounds like 7 yrs)

    A lot of factors…….my wife was under a certain age, and approved not as getting a transplant, but under CHF listings, so she got a 3 yr, with 3 more extended, then the mess of contradictory letters,etc that we yes, their letter might get them by the CR govt, but down the road is an issue. Likely that letter or one with it, would have some statement of a review…..

    Took me many hours of pouring over documents and a 3-4 page letter to the judge that reviewed her case.
    She did not get back on the disability-nor did she want to-and we did not in the end have to pay the $23,000 we “owed”…

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