cell phone rentals

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  • #189635

    Hi everyone,
    does anyone know the best/cheapest way to rent or buy a prepaid cell phone in CR? I did rent one last November but it gets expensive. Don’t need it for international calls, really just calling within CR,

    Kathleen in Boston


    Kathleen, try these. I also seem to vaguely recall a fellow Brit Scott once mentioned in the Forum, but you will need to search the Forum & the articles because I can’t recall the name or contact info. Best of luck!




    Excellente! I liked the second link, looks like a 10 day rental will be a lot less that last time. I may have my phone hooked up by the time I get there but it depends how slowly the wheels of the gods turn 🙂

    muchas gracias,


    De nada Kathleen, Let us know about your experience w/them. I think we’ve all grown way too attached to our cell phones, but they do make life much more convenient…I usually kidnap my sister’s cell when I’m in there 🙂 Enjoy your trip to CR! Rebeca


    Kathleen, Here’s the info regarding the Brit gentleman I had mentioned previously…He has helped some VIP members with cell phone rentals:

    Nick Daines on 506-239 6731
    for the office and mobile is 506-349-1114 or email him at:

    Pura Vida! Rebeca


    I think I have found the CHEAPEST place to RENT cell phones in CR:

    Tutto’s Celular (2-289-4036 / 8-391-0604)

    Jorge only charges $25 (US$) a WEEK (vs. $8-$10/day [$56-$70/wk] that most charge) and with just a $100 deposit!!! To make international calls it’s $1.10/min. & calls within CR are 25¢/min. The value is more if you’re using it to receive calls or in case of emergency!!

    Jorge and his son speak a fair amount of English and are REALLY HELPFUL (he can fix most cells himself also!!).

    He has some of the cheapest Cell Phones for sale that I have found so far.

    He also has the old fashioned TDMA cell phones (for rent or sale) which I find BY FAR WAYYYY better than the GSM phones (CR still does not have enough GSM towers to support all the GSM phones out there so I’d say 60% of the time I call someone with a GSM phone I have to redial it a couple/few times before it connects and/or I call someone and they’re “out of range”. Nokias withOUT vibration start at 25,000-c to buy.

    LOCATION: They are located ON Calle Vieja in Escazu (San Rafael) – 1 1/2 blocks West of the ICE office and 1 block East of Calle Country Club (and on my corner if you’re in the area & have any donations for charities you’d like to drop off [my home is a Donation Drop-off Point for MANY charities throughout CR]. E- me at TheFountainsGuesthouseEscazu@gmail.com) on the Santa Ana/Calle Veija bus line that leaves SJ from the CocaCola Building (215-c) and depending on traffic, an EASY ride (car or taxi) from San Jose).

    LOOKING FOR A SIM CARD (to use with your International Cell Phone)?

    Some people’s U.S. cell phones work in CR but I believe you are usually in Roam mode which can be $2+++ per MINUTE and be iffy.

    I have had quite a few guests with UNlocked GSM Quad Band and with the correct frequencies cell phones purchase a SIM card that works in CR (and many places around the world).

    It is a Pre-Paid plan that gives you a U.S. phone number for your friends, family and business associates to call you at. So if your number is in their area or they have a cell, their call to you is free.

    For you to RECEIVE calls in CR it is 19¢/minute. When you MAKE calls to the States it is 29¢.

    This works within CR but you will NOT have a local/CR phone number for people to call you at and you will have to pay their CR rate which I believe is 39¢/minute.

    They have a GREAT local rep who usually can come to you in the Central Valley – Christine Shea (8-877-6767 / Christine@CelTrek. com) or she can help you order it before you come. If you do not have that type of phone, she also has these special phones for sale here for MUCH cheaper than retail & what you’d pay in the States.

    Celtrek is one of the few companies that has a special roaming agreement with ICE.

    (FYI – I have NO financial gain from this post. Just sharing FULL DETAILS/description [as a non-techno type of person myself]/information)

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