Costa Developers – Progress Report

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    I just logged on after not doing so during the past three months. I was upset to find this information concerning Ellis Kahn and Costa Developers, and consequently searched this blog for more information. We are buying a lot in Costa Montana. While we approached Costa Developers with much skepticism(given the high pressure sales tactics), we found that the attorney Mr. Bonilla, the architect/engineer, and other personnel associated with the project were able to answer our rigorous questioning. We had the contracts reviewed by a Costa Rican attorney as well as our attorney at home and feel we did as much due diligence as possible. I would like to hear what others who have bought there have to say on the subject.


    Our VIP Member debbiesurfs has asked some other tough questions in the past and hopefully we’ll have some sort of a reply from Costa here for you soon

    Scott Oliver – Founder



    I also became very concerned upon reading this post and immediately E mailed CD and requested their response. Apparently my e mail was forwarded to Mr. Bonilla who did respond. However I was disappointed that Costa Developers did not respond personally with a simple yes or no answer considering I purchased two lots in the Costa Esterillos project myself.

    Your information regarding Elis Kahn is correct. Aside from his past (which was not real estate related), I couldn’t find any valid reason for not purchasing this property. The people developing this project appear to have all the right answers. But as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I would advise any prospective purchaser to have your own CR attorney review the purchase contract before signing. “There are certain addumdums that could be included that may provide additional protection to the buyer should something go wrong.”



    Dear Discussion Forum Members,

    I have responded to the false acussations posted in this site.

    The moderator has been invited to the office of Costa Developers as well as to the projects, which speak for themselves.

    We will have no further comments.

    Best regards,

    Arnaldo Bonilla


    Hello Scott;

    The invitation extended by Mr. Bonilla appears genuine and it would be reassuring knowing that an individual such as yourself visited their offices in Escazu. If you do have a little free time I’m certain the readers of this bb would appreciate any feedback that you may offer.



    The invitation may indeed be ‘genuine’ and Sr. Bonilla was kind enough to address one issue but did not answer the question posed by debbiesurfs about the record of the founder of the company which many of our VIP Members obviously feel is important.

    He is of course free to answer or not answer whichever question he wishes …

    Forgive me for saying so but if you have a serious interest in this project, (I certainly do not have the time and definitely do not have any interest) may I suggest that you visit them yourself and then report back to us. We would love to hear your feedback

    Scott Oliver – Founder

    PS. As you know, I tend to focus on helping our VIP Members find Costa Rica real estate that is being built by *experienced developers* with a *proven track record* of delivering a *quality product* – I don’t believe that this company falls into that category.


    Rebecca, my name is Artie Giordano..I visited Costa Montanya in late December and the project was moving along..when I was there visiting the model they were beginning work on 2 other models. It sound to me like you did your homework having American and CR lawyers look at the this contract. I bought 3 lots at Esterillos and feel confident with this company…Yes, there does seem to be some real serious information about Ellis Kahn and it cannot be ignored obviously, but that does not mean that Costa Developers are scamming people becasue one person in the company has has legal problems in the past…I don’t want to sound naive but I think many people are worrying way too much here. You did your due dilligence…just like i did……That’s all you can really do, right? What’s to say if we bought from a Developer in the USA that we would not come up with someone in the firm with a shady background at one time or another? I think if we dig deep enough we cn find shady people at every level of just about every business known to man….We made a good investment, have faith, you did the right thing and so did I.feel free to contact me anytime,
    Artie giordano


    Any new developments at Costa Developers that anyone is aware of and I may be missing? I tried to open their web site today and couldn’t(?) (Sent them ane-mail, but thought will put the question on the discussion board as well.)

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