Costa Rica Corporate Taxes

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  • #186969

    Who are we to believe? Why would my lawyer, and the lawyers of other people I know, designate our corporations inactive for the explicit purpose of not having to file this return BECAUSE there is no economic activity. This issue is as confusing as how to get your pet into Costa Rica!!


    It seems that the law is clear that you are supposed to file. However it appears that since CR bureaucracy is a bit unorganized if you don’t file the chances of getting “caught” are 0 to none….where is Diego when you need him? lol!! Ask your attorney/tax person what the law is, if sh/e is just going by experience with CR or according to CR corporate laws you are not required to file. I would suppose if one is supposed to file we run the risk of a problem in the future if we don’t…?


    Our attorney simply sent an email to all of his clients informing them of the law and the requirements of filing. This year is our first of having a corporation to own property/Live and Learn! I appreciate all of the feedback on this forum.

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