Costa Rica Living in Atenas

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    The local climate is heavily dependent upon altitude. The higher, the cooler, generally. While no one has been able to track down the citation, it’s said that National Geographic dubbed Atenas the best climate in the world. That raises the question, why, if it’s the best climate in the world, are all the houses there marketed to gringos equipped with central air conditioning?


    i didn’t spend much time in atenas during my first visit to costa rica. but…go to the big island or kauai in hawaii to get an impression of what it’s like (without some of the shabbyness).it aint no haole suburb with streetlights, sidewalks and no people in sight (empty front porches). no lexuses in the driveway or franchise gourmet units in strip malls. i liked it, and the appearance led me to believe that it would be a place that ordinary folks could live, if you can handle the lack of STUFF and like PEOPLE. heck, the lack of exotic foodstuffs will bother me somewhat, but….my only question would be what america is known for, namely grouping or organizing (you know the frenchman,from long ago whose name escapes me). any organized sports? yeah i know soccer is king, but is there any leagues for seniors? well, there’s something to do.sorry about the wandering topics, but….my impressions!hope they let me in.


    Linda, IMHO the Heredia area is the best choice for people who like cooler weather, easy (relatively speaking) access to San Jose, and country living. However, you say you’re looking at a lot in “Barrio” – probably Barreal de Heredia, I assume as your “dream home” location. If you go ahead with it, it will be so only until your first break-in, after which you, like every other lot owner outside a condo or (truly) gated neighborhood in the country, will become a slave to your house.

    I know it’s hard to alter your dream, it certainly was for me as well. But I learned the hard way. I’m trying to spare you, and other naive Gringos, the same fate.

    Don’t think “lot”, think condo. Living in a secure condo will avoid the main drawback with living in CR – having to worry about the security of your home. This worry is a heavy burden, particularly for a Gringo who’s used to locking up their house and going away for a few hours, days or weeks.

    In CR I’m extremely paranoid about theft and burglary, and unfortunately not overly so. So is every Tico.

    In love with Costa Rica? Want to stay that way? Buy a condo, NOT a stand-alone lot. Make your dream a reality, not a fantasy.

    Unfortunately, most of the condo development seems to be taking place in the Escazu/Santa Ana area.

    Scott O.: Can you tell us anything about condo developments in the Heredia area, say from Santa Barbara east to Barrio Socorro right off the highway to Limon?


    Not my main patch I’m afraid GringoTico. I’m not one of those experts that claims to know everything about every single nook and cranny in the the entire country.

    Having said that, I tend to recommend the ‘people’ behind specific projects rather than specififc areas so if you know of exceptional people building exceptional condos in Heredia, email me and tell me who they are and if time permits, we could look into it for our VIP Members…

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Diego, I think I will…Scott, muchas gracias for the forum and all the information you provide on this website! Also thanks for responding to me so quickly every time I sent you and email. You are providing an invaluable service to anyone living in or thinking of living in CR. Keep up the good work!
    PS Diego, I already have my own Gringa, so I won’t ask.

    Pura vida


    Sorry, I plead ignorance. It does seem like all the money’s going toward your (previous?) side of town though. Makes sense, as that’s where the road to Jaco and Manuel Antonio will start (finally, after 30 years of speculative investments!) Still, I’ll believe it when I see it, after which I’ll surely kick myself for my procrastination.

    Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? Procrastination is, after all, the key to flexibility…


    Yeah, Diego’s actually a very reasonable guy if you can keep him off that subject.

    Sorry Diego. The dichotomy of your posts is remarkable though. Schizophrenia? Manic depressive? Obessive compulsive? BiPolar?

    I’m a skitzoid myself. Maybe Maravilla can tell me how the big pharma nazis can help me out. I am feeling that restless leg syndrome a bit as well…


    I used to be a schizophrenic but I’m in two minds about it now 🙂



    All your schizo problems can be managed with a hefty dose of Zyprexa — as long as you don’t mind getting diabetes from taking it, but then you could get in on the $700,000,000 pay-out to the victims of this drug from hell. Many of the drugs big pharma makes the most profits on are the cause of restless leg syndrome — a typical case of the treatment for one ailment causing another money making niche for other drugs. You didn’t think they want you to get well, did you? Well people don’t make them any money. The more drugs you take, the sicker you will get, making the bloated cash cow very content.


    I’ve been a member of for over a year and a half and never checked out the forums much until last week. What was I thinking! The entertainment value alone is worth the price of admission.


    How much did they charge you to get on?


    GringoTico, Last time I checked it was still free…and worth every penny.
    But sometimes laughs can be priceless!

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