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- This topic has 1 reply, 10 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 7 months ago by
August 9, 2007 at 2:27 pm #185796
MemberDiego Thanks…I certainly am not a cow at age 60 did lots of BULL stuff and now duiverced and da.n well going to do Maverick from here out. I hope here in C.R.
I have found you can buy for $15,000 to $35,000 a reasonably good Tico home with view. I missed one last week ON the Beach 2/1 with rental unit…large fruit covered lot for $21,000. Unfortunately in Puntarenas where I do not wish to stay. But have seen and hve contacts that show it cn be done all over the place with local Ticos help. I will remain off the target of any more $ spent on the U.S government except that which they TAKE from my S.S. check when and if I get one. ..My grandparents used theirs for Bingo money it was so small but here in C.R. will actully buy some real living with the modest savings I have.
As for inheritace tax…when my X-wifes folks died I settled the estate and wrote a check to Uncle Sam for over a $100,000 …..a Tax Penalty for having earned too much money over their lives…yea Right on. G
Going Mavericking for 5 more months and hope to land on both feet and on an ïsland¨where UI am free of the Cows of the U.S.
Terry CookAugust 9, 2007 at 3:31 pm #185797Roark
MemberAll this, brought to you by someone who will probably vote for Hillary or Obama.
It makes no sense.
August 9, 2007 at 8:44 pm #185798terrycook
MemberRoark, I sure hope like H-ll you do not mean me…terry cook. I will vote Libertarian long before I would ever vote for the Disaster Leftist Hillary or Obama.
I don´t really see how it makes a difference who runs or wins until the COWS wake up and have a tea party. Until then nothing will change. Neither the Cows nor certainly the Governmnet will ever correct the direction we are headed.
Terry CookAugust 9, 2007 at 10:50 pm #185799Roark
MemberI don’t mean you Terry. My posted comment was in response to Diego’s post. I like what Diego said, and perhaps I am wrong, but based on Diego’s past postings I think he will vote for Hillary or Obama.
Perhaps he will clear this up.
August 10, 2007 at 12:53 am #185800Alfred
MemberDiego, I find myself banging the monitor once again. The temporary 10% income tax was to fund world war I. Once they start taxing and spending like the money will always be there, they can’t repeal it. It is the way government works. Like road tolls that are there to pay for the road and then become fixtures for life. With this I fully agree. Where we part company is on the fact that it seems like “No” government is the best form to you. People need a government, laws and structure. Even indigenous peoples have a system of leadership to organize their tribes.
What has happened is government has grown too large? We have voted it in to where it has become a self feeding monster. It has to be reined in. With the present list of candidates, that ain’t gonna happen. Limits on government spending will only come about when special interest groups and big corporations are stopped from lobbying and financing these politicians.
Most of the “Mavericks” that tried to call the IRS illegal and stopped paying taxes, are in the joint, doing hard time. The IRS may, or may not be, constitutionally legal, but it is treated like a legal entity. And as such has the power to collect taxes and imprison those who are not willing to pay. Plus, by not paying taxes they cheat the rest of us who are paying.
Not too many people like how the government spends our money. And many people don’t like how the boss pays them so little at work and makes so much for themselves. But this is the system we have, for better or worse. We have to try and do what we can while we are here to change it.
So, to live in a society without government would just be lunacy. The social fabric would be torn to pieces and anarchy would be the result. Can you imagine a society without police, a country without a rail and road system, or without an education system that at least provides basic teaching for our citizens. I can’t.
Government needs money in order to govern. Most likely less than what we give it. Still it needs capital.
The reasons I would like to see Costa Rica increase property taxes, are for it to benefit the Ticos that have allowed us to live there. And we benefit by it as well. Better roads, better healthcare, a real postal system, clean and available water, and consistent electricity service are just a few of the things that could be improved with more funds in the treasury. I don’t know if the extra income will go there, but it is up to the citizens of Costa Rica to express their wishes to their elected officials to get things done.
I don’t honestly know how every single Costa Rican feels about having foreigners buying up every piece of land on the shore. I would be a little p**sed off myself if it happened in the USA. Our driver said to me when I asked him this question, “We can’t afford to buy property on the beach.” And that was all he said. I was not going to press him any further, because I think he felt he did not want to offend me. With that, my feelings are that with an increase in property tax, you are still getting a bargain, and helping a developing country, develop.August 10, 2007 at 11:21 am #185801diego
MemberHa – that was a good one – kinda like a koan…. Smart guy Upe. However if you are with me that means you are beside me not behind me. Therefore we we both lead. Maverick and maverick hand in hand )LOL), not exactly a Paladin episode, (Richard Boone is probally turning in his grave).
August 10, 2007 at 11:35 am #185802diego
MemberScott, I thought your were writing tounge in cheek (who gets the the money – meaning, the politicians and their crony business buddies who who get the contracts siphon off the cash).
I reread your post and now understand the context. No contradiction – that is if you really belive the money will not be stolen – think the three stooges Larry Figueres. Moe Caldron (or was that Moe Ladron) and Curley Joe Rodriguez.
August 10, 2007 at 11:56 am #185803diego
MemberTerry, Christ was a maverick – look what they did to him. So do we Mavericks become martyrs? Damn right we do, we are the one who are impresioned while the good little cows say “see, beteer follow the bulls or they will do that to us.” They did it to Nelson Mandela – a Maverick, Gandi – a Maverick, However it also depends how self sacrificing you are. You can fly under the radar and be what Mavericks inherently are – subversive to the system. A large group of mavericks that do not appear as such are really effective to creating change as they can use the element of surprise. IE the gay movement – bang – next thing you know they are everywhere!!!
It really boils down to your spiritual beliefs. Do you think we are here to pamper ourselves and get as much social cushions to ease the pains of life and increase its joys, or do you see yourself as being here only a short while, to do your job, kinda like a mission.
If you believe life is all there is and then its over – most likely you live like a cow with flashes of being a bull in early life / or maybe visa versa. But if you believe this is life – and life only…. Then you know it’s temporary and on to the next mission. This frees you to being a maverick.
Not many people can reconcile there death so most act as if they are not going to die. When you start using the phrase “when I die,” as apposed to “if I die” then you have the philosophical foundation of “maverickhood”… Damn the torpedoes!!!
We are here for a short time so make your dream life and the things that define you your focus. Most people do not know what defines them (besides their money). When you have a self definition you have a path,, follow it
BTW I applaud your newly found Maverickhood. Most your age want to walk gently into the night. There have been a few things I have done gently in my life, but death is gonna have to come and claim me, cuz I got work to do.
August 10, 2007 at 11:57 am #185804*Lotus
MemberAt this rate Alfred you will need a new monitor soon..Lol! No need to get frustrated it’s simply Diegos opinion and you seem very secure in your own opinion. Anger creates stress in the body and to much stress will lead to illness through the weakening of the immune system. Pura Vida.
August 10, 2007 at 12:08 pm #185805diego
MemberIf I am hard on you L its because I love you man.. we are kindred souls who happen to artfully agree and disagree at various times. I have a frankness issues. Some people love my candor, other not so much. To them I am an opinionated blow hard the “does not know anything of the sort; but just think I know” Thanks David… actually there are very few things in life that any of us actually and really know – at least I don’t define myself by what I drive… nor do I want the phony “protection: the worlds biggest mafia offers. At least the real mafia seemed to keep people in line for the protection money they extorted from you. But the word extortion is never brought up by the cows, now is it. To nasty of a thought that you are being extorted, makes for a bad nights sleep. Aw lets not think about it ….Mooooooo. Anyways L, the world needs more people who think like you do… peace
August 10, 2007 at 12:10 pm #185806diego
MemberSorry, accidental double post
Edited on Aug 10, 2007 07:10
August 10, 2007 at 1:04 pm #185807diego
MemberNow to the meaty stuff (Scott with all the time and effort I spend on this site I should be receiving quite a nice check. From someone who lives in a luxury home in Santa Ana. But I am not naming any names…)
Ahhh, what would a morning be like without banging your monitor over a Diego post… I hope it’s a good looking monitor… or maybe I misunderstood the context of that sentence…
Many a sweet monitor have tried to monitor me, alas well … enough said.
I have many issues with your post:
‘Once they start taxing and spending like the money will always be there, they can’t repeal it. It is the way government works.’
– This is a cowism.
“No” government is the best form to you. People need a government, laws and structure. Even indigenous peoples have a system of leadership to organize their tribes.”
– I believe in Government. My preferred government would be a benevolent dictatorship. Kinda like the one I run at my house… Anyone going to vote for me and my method – Diego for King! Me, Hugo and Fidel – now there is a great slant on the Three Stooges. The problem with last two stooges are they aint so benevolent.
“What has happened is government has grown too large? We have voted it in to where it has become a self feeding monster. It has to be reined in. With the present list of candidates, that ain’t gonna happen. Limits on government spending will only come about when special interest groups and big corporations are stopped from lobbying and financing these politicians.”
– Government will change when you all stop buying into television and mass marketing. First you consume too much. Next the media dictates who the candidates are. Why, because the US is strung out on Paris Hilton. Give the people something to read on Sunday, I think that was a British comment on how to control the masses (lead the cows) the US slant is invade their house with the media every night and control their thoughts, (preemptive strike on Mavericks).
“Most of the “Mavericks” that tried to call the IRS illegal and stopped paying taxes, are in the joint, doing hard time. The IRS may, or may not be, constitutionally legal, but it is treated like a legal entity. And as such has the power to collect taxes and imprison those who are not willing to pay.”
– First and most obvious is that there were too many cows and not enough mavericks.
– My interpretation of you above thoughts: Aw they are cheating, but it comfortable here in the barn where we cows can berth our calves. Boy you sure swept over that “The IRS may, or may not be, constitutionally legal” as if it were nothing, under the table. The mavericks created the constitution – and now the cows want to ignore it. What you do not use – you lose.
“Plus, by not paying taxes they cheat the rest of us who are paying.”
– Oh I get it. Those who do not contribute to the cheater, cheating us – cheat us. Hugh????
“Not too many people like how the government spends our money. And many people don’t like how the boss pays them so little at work and makes so much for themselves. But this is the system we have, for better or worse. We have to try and do what we can while we are here to change it.”
-Is furthering the inequities at all like “doing what we can to change it?” Sounds more like enabling it and a comfortable codependence.
“So, to live in a society without government would just be lunacy. The social fabric would be torn to pieces and anarchy would be the result. Can you imagine a society without police, a country without a rail and road system, or without an education system that at least provides basic teaching for our citizens.”
This country you describe sounds familiar to me – Oh yeah, kinda like the Americas before the Europeans arrived.
“ I can’t.”
– I can. Imagination is as important as knowledge. Try imagining a place governed locally, without a large central big Mother and Big Brother government – kind like Costa Rica. You need to put your imagination cap on.
“Government needs money in order to govern. Most likely less than what we give it. Still it needs capital.”
– Wow, I agree, but the capital needs to be given to the small and numerous local governments where we in the community can verify what is done with it.
“The reasons I would like to see Costa Rica increase property taxes, are for it to benefit the Ticos that have allowed us to live there. And we benefit by it as well. Better roads, better healthcare, a real postal system, clean and available water, and consistent electricity service are just a few of the things that could be improved with more funds in the treasury.”
– Oh to help the Ticos!!! – here is the old Gringo “our way is the best mentality.” The Ticos seem to be doing pretty good with there small government that does not intrude into their lives, But Noooooooooo, you cows want to “fix it!” You cannot control your own government but you sure as hell can help the Ticos!! If this is not the best case of how indoctrinated gringos are by their government, than I have never seen one.
I do not want any postal system. I do not want street addresses, my water is clean and available, I do not mind the electricity going out at times (what’s the big deal, it’s kinda romantic (for those cows who are not to busy working to pay your taxes, and still have time for romance).
-Typical Gringo cow dung .. “the great American/European culture will come and fix utopia because it aint like us…” obviously then it needs fixing…
Anyways A, please get a grip on reality and use the brain between your horns. Stop aimlessly following the Bull with the bell to the feed bin. This is Costa Rica, it does not need to be fixed by the mighty Gringo. Your Columbus mentality was what produced slavery, murder and stolen lands.
I got better stuff to do then ed-you-macate the heard – like banging my monitor.
August 10, 2007 at 10:03 pm #185808Alfred
MemberDiego, Nice response, if it were only all true and possible. Again we agree on some points. Like money being used at the local level for local residents. Also, being creative and having some mavericks in the mix is a good thing.
If you really understood what I have said here, and in numerous other posts, about Ticos using our money, you would not have responded the way you did. I said, it is up to Costa Rica to do what they wish, how they wish, and when they wish with the money. I don’t want them to have to be beholding to anyone but themselves! Why the hell would I, or anybody, have the right to tell another country, whether or not I’m living there, what to do. You’ve got to get over this Columbus, European and gringo patriarchal feeling amigo.
Another thing, how many locals like their power outages? How many enjoy running out of water in the middle of the day? Or, car swallowing potholes and poorly maintained bridges? Not the majority, I’ll bet. So, I think a little cash might be something they would like.
Societies run under benevolent dictators can sometimes be workable for certain populations. The contradiction I find in your way of thinking, is that you would love it, as long as you were the “Dictator.” You can’t have it both ways my friend.
Diego, I think you love the shock value your remarks deliver. And they do. I love free speech and hope you continue to press on with your opinions. We will continue to agree and disagree on topics. Some of your posts will enlighten myself and others. A lot of them will keep me banging my fist on the monitor!Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to clean up the cowpies on the front lawn.
August 10, 2007 at 10:13 pm #185809Alfred
MemberLotus, Thanks for the advice. I really think this is kind of a catharsis for me, though. I can get out a whole day’s angst in one post. I don’t take him too seriously….Most of the time!
You are right about stress leading to all sorts of negative things in our body. I’ll try to keep an eye on my stress level.
Thanks again for having the concern and interest that you do.Pura Vida to you too
August 10, 2007 at 10:20 pm #185810diego
MemberYou are a good egg Alfred, a bit misguided but none the less a good egg. Moooooooo….
Thanks for understanding me.. I like to provoke thought and examination of ourselves and others.
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