Costa Rica supports action in Libya

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  • #202910

    This Costa Rican government is either stupid or servile to the U.S. or both.

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    Follow this down the rabbit hole….

    Al Qaida and the rebels are fighting Gaddafi.. The U.N. is entering this civil war siding WITH Al Qaida using mostly U.S. forces . The U.S. is fighting alongside Al Qaida!??

    [ ]

    And why not? Al Qaida is a CIA black ops creation, a tool for destabilizing countries. They were used in Bosnia against Yugoslavian Christians, in Afganistan against Soviets, in the US as an excuse for a false flag war in Iraq (911), in Afganistan again as an excuse to send in US troops, in Iraq as a scapegoat for keeping U.S troops there and now in Libya to take down Gaddafi. Al Qaida is nothing more than a group of useful fools for the Globalists. The U.N. and NATO are military arms of the Globalists.

    They have been sticking to a game plan…destabilization of everything so they can come in with strength and own it all. The U.S. is also a target. First is economic destabilization, then protests, then riots , then war. What you see in the Middle East and North Africa you will see in the U.S. soon enough. The U.S. is approaching being insolvent, food and oil prices are going up and we now see foreign bureaucrats commanding U.S. armies and controlling our currency. Openly. It’s not even being done in secret any longer. The end game is upon us. And the Costa Rican government is clapping its hands at all this.


    did your hear about area 51? The Govt. is covering up a space ship since the year……


    Is this a response to the first posting? Because you’ve lost me….


    Yeah…..And George Bush engineered the 09/11 attacks. Matter of fact…he piloted one of the planes himself but secretly parachuted out just in time…BLAH…BLAH….BLAH….


    Sprite, i suggest you find something good to smoke! You definitely know how to ruin a good forum. lol


    [quote=”bogino”]Yeah…..And George Bush engineered the 09/11 attacks. Matter of fact…he piloted one of the planes himself but secretly parachuted out just in time…BLAH…BLAH….BLAH….[/quote]


    truthfully that statement reveals a common trait among the simply close minded. ignorance

    i think winston churchill said once. truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it but in the end there it is.

    what ever you believe to be true of 9/11 it does not take a really smart person to see that all the facts are not there and there are many inconsistencies.

    enough to warrant further study or conclusions different than the original.



    I say we all move in with scott


    With all the various activities (from 26th March – 10th April) for the inauguration of the new sports stadium you can move in because I’m moving out 🙂


    PS. The new stadium website (which is truly bloody atrocious) is at: [ ]

    PPS. For $3,000 per month (minimum one year) my penthouse apartment is all yours! Fully furnished… See it here at: [ ]


    did your hear about area 51? The Govt. is covering up a space ship since the year……[/quote]

    I guess each of us has to decide which conspiracy theories have a higher probability of being true. For my part, anything the government or the corporate media tells us is a lie.


    did your hear about area 51? The Govt. is covering up a space ship since the year……[/quote]

    I guess each of us has to decide which conspiracy theories have a higher probability of being true. For my part,[b] anything the government or the corporate media tells us is a lie[/b].[/quote]

    absolutely!!! its embarrassing how many lies. and it’s really sad how far apart are the words in relation to thier actions.

    I truly believe we would be better off if no one spoke only by thier actions. ( of course this is not possible.) but I myself tend to not listen to the words only by the actions they take.

    I was telling my step daugther who’s biological father is a deadbeat.. and never help her with anything except te amo mi amor… lol

    Its always best to never let words stand on thier own but they need to work hand in hand with thier actions..


    That’s not fair Sprite! They’re only lying when their lips move…

    A friend sent me this rather apt quote below recently about the government…

    “Relying 100% on the system that they control for the essentials in your life – your food, your water, your energy, your safety, your livelihood, your savings – is a recipe for disaster. It’s like letting a known sicko pedophile babysit your kids, or giving a serial burglar the keys to drop in on your house while you’re on vacation.”



    [quote=”Scott”]That’s not fair Sprite! They’re only lying when their lips move…

    A friend sent me this rather apt quote below recently about the government…

    “Relying 100% on the system that they control for the essentials in your life – your food, your water, your energy, your safety, your livelihood, your savings – is a recipe for disaster. It’s like letting a known sicko pedophile babysit your kids, or giving a serial burglar the keys to drop in on your house while you’re on vacation.”



    excellent quote.. I am a little nervous because you seem to be selling off everything.. are you moving to cuba???


    Cuba would not be our plan ‘B’

    I’m not remotely concerned about the Cubans but I would be concerned about possible actions that could be taken by the empire against Cuba.

    My girlfriend is from Guatemala but although I love Antigua, there’s a palbable fear in the air in the city which is bordering on frightening.



    [quote=”Scott”]Cuba would not be our plan ‘B’

    I’m not remotely concerned about the Cubans but I would be concerned about possible actions that could be taken by the empire against Cuba.

    My girlfriend is from Guatemala but although I love Antigua, there’s a palbable fear in the air in the city which is bordering on frightening.


    so what would be plan B???? although costa rica is still the best option overall in my opinion. things are beginning to heat up with price here and it affecting the basic canasta. meaning more and more lower income people will have to make decisions.

    my full time employee has been with me for a variety of years. and this past year he did not have enough money to cover his basic food costs so i bumped his salary up. but now i am alittle more aware of what I am paying him and in a few years I may have to let him go and have someone only 1 or 3 days a week.

    yet…all the fast food places here are always busy and the malls.. i dont quiet understand this since mcdonalds burger king wendys.. are NOT cheap here by all standards

    i mean for the same price at mc donalds I can go have a meal at princess marina with seafood rice.. etc

    crazy here..

    thank goodness for the ferias and the low property taxes..


    smekuly, you wrote, “yet…all the fast food places here are always busy and the malls.. i dont quiet understand this since mcdonalds burger king wendys.. are NOT cheap here by all standards”

    Well, the explanation is simple. It’s a matter of a disproportionate distribution of wealth and income within the society. The good news, if there is any, is that it’s much, much worse in the U.S. I’m not suggesting that everyone should live at the same level or that folks shouldn’t benefit from their labors and creativity, but something’s gotta give. When one in six persons in the U.S., with all its wealth, is chronically undernourished, something is askew.

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