Costa Rica Votes For The Palestine UN Resolution

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  • #165583

    [quote=”maravilla”]i am so sick of people thinking they understand this issue ….Vicki’s comment, steeped in ignorance…they are clueless….making fools of themselves”

    I am so sick of people like you, allowed to spew your demonic baseless attacks here, frothing sickening shameless Marxists who have no respect for God, the Jews or the Bible. The Jews have lived in their tiny speck of the earth going back to thousands of years BC and were taken over by numerous groups. In recent times that would be in the time of Christ with the Romans, then many were cast out, and only a few were able to remain quietly survive there under the Satanic rule of Islam for over 1000 years. The Muslims also took over and enslaved most of Europe for 400 years, sick filthy people like you must think white Europeans should give back the land to the Islamics because they controlled parts of Europe for 400 years by the sword.

    Only recently the tiny world population of Jews was able to take back a small portion of the land that was theirs for millennia back to the time of the Pharaohs all the while trying to live in peace within an area 100x larger, the ENTIRE SURROUNDING AREA of which was taken over by Muslims by blood lust of the sword for over 1000 years all the way through Africa, Europe all the way to China, Mongolia and Indonesia.

    Filthy sickening people like you who spout your marxist athiest propaganda coming from places like Costa Rica, a place that has never given back its (stolen) land to its native people, including where you came from the USA which has never been given back its (stolen) land to its native people, what pure satanic irony.

    Marxists are the most sickening destructive people in all history along with Muslims. I don’t hear you frothing your demonic attacks against the Muslims or Marxists and all the untold hundreds of millions they have murdered and taken over. You won’t ever because you are a frothing Marxist and want to turn the world upside down and create your atheist utopia like your great leaders and your nihilistic mind demand. You will get what you want soon enough as well, since it was all foretold in the Bible to happen in the last days.

    [url=]Religion of Peace[/url]

    [url=]History of Marxism[/url]

    [url=]Jihad Watch[/url]


    you’re funny. I’m Jewish. And so is my husband, whose Jewish roots got back to the Bible. So nothing you said bothers me in the least nor will I deign to respond to your vitriol. Take a Xanax. Chill out.


    Maravilla, I would not even respond to that evil nonsense aimed at you. I knew a topic like this would draw the scum from the ooze. Its hard to stay on topic when that kind of hatred hatches out within the thread. Nobody is going to change corrupted minds like those with historical facts and logic.


    [quote=”sprite”]Maravilla, I would not even respond to that evil nonsense aimed at you. I knew a topic like his would draw the scum from the ooze. Its hard to stay on topic when that kind of hatred hatches out within the thread. Nobody is going to change corrupted minds like those with historical facts and logic.[/quote]


    congratulations on your civil educated reply to ms maravilla

    because of your response

    I now do NOT believe in the BIBLE

    shame on you


    Still waiting for parable comments. Too bad we got sidetracked by ‘Exodus’ and I think we should ignore him/her altogether.

    As for ‘civil educated’ discourse, Maravilla’s nasty comments are not that either.


    you really like to twist things around. so typical. ya’ll have fun now. talk amongst yourselves!! jajaja

    as for the parable — i can only imagine where you stand, Victoria, and it’s not a pleasant thought.


    Just to make it clear, and not let M’s comment be considered, I stand with “How could the world let this happen”.


    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Just to make it clear, and not let M’s comment be considered, I stand with “How could the world let this happen”.[/quote]

    now now Girls

    play nice 😀


    It would appear that this thread has run it’s course…. No more posts here please!



    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Just to make it clear, and not let M’s comment be considered, I stand with “How could the world let this happen”.[/quote]



    [quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”Scott”] I like to use authoritative sources VictoriaLST like the the former Chief Rabbi of Israel for example – let’s call him the Jewish Pope – who is publicly quoted in the Jerusalem Post stating that:

    “The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews
    Goyim were born only to serve us.
    Without that, they have no place in the world
    Only to serve the People of Israel.”


    No, but, at same time, they have a contempt in the Talmud that surpases most racism.
    A book just came out, controversial, from author Hugh Akin, Synagogue Rising-now I disagree with this support for the Protocols of Zion, but his book is replete with quotes and sources, much like E.Michael Jone’s Revolutionary jew book. There is enough out there to smell smoke, see fire and connect.
    There are also several jewish groups opposed to zionism, for various reasons……..
    AKins had a good talk, have it on a disc, that makes a good point that the Catholic position was to convert, not to exterminate, even though as in any group, you had some that were bad apples-clergy and laity alike.
    No whole-sale slaughter like the Pilgrims and others of new England,etc. Protestants whites showed the contempt and racism rarely seen in the Catholic colonies that blended people together and today, a lot less racial tension.

    This sounds uncomfortably familiar . . . Oh, yeah! I’ve read exactly these sentiments from seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century European and American texts, only substitute “non-whites” for “non-Jews” and “the lesser races” for “Goyim”.

    Bigotry is hardly the sole province of the Jews.


    [quote=”davidd”][quote=”sprite”]Maravilla, I would not even respond to that evil nonsense aimed at you. I knew a topic like his would draw the scum from the ooze. Its hard to stay on topic when that kind of hatred hatches out within the thread. Nobody is going to change corrupted minds like those with historical facts and logic.[/quote]


    congratulations on your civil educated reply to ms maravilla

    because of your response

    I now do NOT believe in the BIBLE

    shame on you[/quote]

    that little much makes you not accept the bible? fickle? or really, never did to begin with? likely, that……
    sorry Scott, missed your comment on posts, will hold off any more…..

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