Costa Rican Citizenship?

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    Why did you turn the tv on?


    I didn’t; hubby did. He’s a news, uh,er, propaganda junkie.


    Way to go Roark! You say it all in 10 words or less.


    Tracy, Brilliant, observant and bullseye hitting accurate. I had to read it twice it was so good. The buffet line quip was the best.

    In all seriousness, our minds have been dulled, and even the ones who have done the dulling are dulled themselves. They have bought into their own creation of a world as they see it. The sad part of this is that there is no turning back. Society is evolutionary, and we can’t recapture the glory days of our youth, when it was good and safe and a nice place to live. Costa Rica reminds me of 40 years or so ago, when the cares of the world seemed to be so minimal and family and friends had meaning. In another generation or two the Ticos may go the same way as we have. Sad to see that happen, but it probably will. By then most of us will be gone, but hopefully we can have a few decades of Pura Vida.

    Maravilla, Welcome back to “reality”.lol Good to see you back on the board again. And do yourself a favor and throw the idiot box out the window!


    I wonder if Costa Rica will go the same way California has gone with redefining marriage?


    Who defined it in the first place? was it the bible…that book that tells us to stone sinners, not eat shrimp and advocates slavery in leviticus?


    There is not one religion or moral philosophical system, East or West, in history that has ever defined marriage as between members of the same sex. Not one, even putting the Bible aside.

    I think this redefinition will do society harm. Lotus, you know Costa Rica better than I, do you think it is a country that would redefine marriage this way?


    I agree they would not. That said I just don’t believe who one chooses to “marry” is such a dig deal. Homosexuality has existed as long as we have, why make it into a taboo? But you are right most of these “religions” do. But then again most rational people would consider religion as a guide post to our wholeness, spirit- not an absolute truth or blueprint to the world at large. But a lot of us have been conditioned by religious thought whether we like it/acknowledge it or not. Will society breakdown, our children start engaging in lude sex acts because we respect the rights of others to be who they are and express there love for one another? I think mtv, video games and the massive exposure to violence on a daily basis is much more of a threat to all of us. Who one chooses to love…not. Anyway look at all the dysfunction in heterosexual unions and relationships, the gays certainly don’t have that market cornered!lol.


    Costa Ricans do not like rapid change. They are traditional catholics and they will maintain marriage as it is for a long time to come. It is silly to suppose otherwise.

    The United States is also a conservative country for the most part. But we are a fractured society. There are still enough progressive thinkers here to keep trying to make changes for the better. They will fail, but they will try and in the process, keep the fracture growing.

    One aspect I find appealing about Costa Rica is the strong sense of social responsibility present in the people and reflected in their government. There is a cohesive quality to the society that I don’t feel here in the States.


    Please look at the “timing” of this ruling, a predominantly Republican court okays gay marriage, in the middle of an election cycle, parading this non-issue out, just like in 00 and 04.
    What impact does a few florists in Fresno, walking down the aisle, have on anyones’ daily lives? Shouldn’t we be more morally outraged over tens of thousands of slaughtered Iraqi women and children? How about our use of depleted uranium to poison the lands and air in the middle east? And now our greedy traders playing with unregulated commodities, that may cause the slow starvation of possibly Millions of people?
    Why aren’t the preachers blathering about the raped women and torched villages in Darfur?
    I’m not soapboxing, I’m merely suggesting, the gay issue, is just nonsense to take everyones eye off the real issues, again.
    I have gay friends, many have already had “commitment ceremonies” that have failed, so aren’t in any big hurry to join our ranks of multiple divorces.

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