Count Me In On the Club

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    My name is Wanda and I’m in Toronto right now. I will be leaving for Costa Rica next month and would love to meet some people who are already in CR. I’m single but I’m definitely open to meeting both married and singles of any gender as a support network. Please let me know Scott if there is anything I can do to promote or facilitate the recommendations made for the creation of this new forum.

    Also Scott, I’d like to thank-you for all the great information and guidance you’ve given to so many people through! I’ve benifited greatly by reading the discussions that you have generated. You are a God-send!

    Anyone who would like to reach me can at

    Talk to you soon.



    Hi Wanda,

    My husband Keith (35yrs old) and I (28) are going to Costa Rica June 6th for a few weeks for an investigative trip. I am originally from Barrie, Ontario, my husband is from PA. We are definately interested in meeting other people who are moving or have moved to CR. Are you applying for Rentista or Pensionado status too? My parents also from Canada are going to be moving down with us as well. Life is just getting to fast paced and stressfull for us here in South Florida. (not to mention expensive) We are so looking forward to a change and an adventure! Will you be going to the Friday night get together at Big Mikes in Escazu?
    Let’s keep in touch and maybe we can meet when we get there!

    Angela and Keith


    Angela, do you have a plan for how you’re going to support yourselves here in Costa Rica? Have you investigated the limitations on foreigners’ abilities to work?


    Yes we have done extensive research. Supporting ourselves won’t be a problem. More looking into the logistics of getting all the paper work in before the Aug deadline. We just found out that we have to get our marriage licence certified in Hawaii (where we were married). I’m hoping the Los Angeles Consulate will accept the certified document as the Hawaiian gov will not apostile it. UGH.. Every day learning something new. We will be there in June to get our finger printing done and hopefully will have everything then together before Aug. If anyone would like some insight on what we have learned so far, feel free to contact me.



    My name is Ken. I have my temporary CR immigration number, and my papers are in San Jose. Started this process the first week of March, and my papers were in San Jose, by mid-April.

    I dealt with Carmen, the Vice-Consul at the Toronto Consulate and Lina the Consul General from the Embassy in Ottawa, because I had an unusual request. They are fabulous people. Tell them I said so.

    They really respect and like the lawyer, Roberto, whom I use. Considering this is the first lawyer I think they would both recommend, in San Jose, CR, ask them. Carmen is here 3 years. Lina 8 years. So that really says something.

    Only if you are a nice person, tell Roberto the crazy Canuck writer/author sent you. And I mean nice! Respectful. And fun!!!!

    Treat Carmen and Lina with the utmost of respect, they have very demanding jobs, and once everything is in San Jose at the imigration ministry, it is out of their hands. They are no longer involved. Also send them my regards only if you are a nice person.

    I too am single. And in another posting I kidded Scott about setting up a Singles Were Are New to Costa Rica thread. There is a Canadian Club in San Jose.

    I will be there for a few weeks to two months between June 15th to August 15th, staying the first week only in San Jose.

    So if you want to connect, get hold of me… eeerrrr, no hugging we don’t know each other well enough, yet.

    Have fun. Chao Chao
    Ken at

    Applications for potential friendships being taken at that address. You must come equipped with a sense of humor and a smile!
    I am 54, single/divorced, with lots of natural long curly hair, two great grown kids, and hope to move down there the sooner the better. Age is irrelevant, in terms of friendship, as is marital status, sexual orientation and all the other anal stuff of North American Western Societies. I am 110% heterosexual. (Okay, so I would or would not be a good accountant. I guess it depends on your orientation.) Sorry folks, I love puns. They are prune juice for my mind, body and soul.

    All that matters is ones spirit!

    Edited on May 03, 2006 02:02

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