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    [quote=”maravilla”]and homeschooling is illegal.[/quote]

    really? now that is rather sad, as long as testing and standards are in place, it should not be……..
    Some of CR Bishops might want to put in their $0.02 on that, as most Catholic leaders are supportive of home schooling……then again, I hope that CR schools in general are not the sham they are in the States….


    [quote=”maravilla”]i am talking about “home schooling” — as in teaching your children at home and NOT sending them to school. and just try not vaccinating your kids here. They will be yanked out of your home so fast.[/quote]

    that vaccine pushing crappola is likelystemming from the UN and the USA via direct Govt monies or through the NGO/think tanks…..shame on CR for allowing it and pushing that agenda!!! it is actually geared toward destroying the genetics and ability to breed and live healthy…..massive vaccinations will likely, in 1-2 generations, destroy CR and bye-bye to the Nicoya/Blue Zone….talking about crime!!


    [quote=”maravilla”]and i have heard that they will do a home invasion type raid to take the children to have them vac’d. it’s the long arm of WHO reaching everywhere. [/quote]

    true, the long arm of the WHO/UN/USA…….this is the type of crappola that makes me at times ashamed to say “yes, I am visiting CR and from the USA”….wish I could get away with saying “from Canada” or somewhere….


    [quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”maravilla”]you guys can have all the vac’s you want. i pass, so you can have my share.

    Gee, maravilla, does this mean you’ll pay for our annual flu shots??

    No flu in yrs and take vitamin D, more soo in flu season…..also, the vaccine only supposedly stops a hand ful of strains, so, taking it and causing terrible side effects, attacks on your natural immunity-is it worth it to block a few out of 200+ strains? a MD I know would say “no” quickly….

    that said, our tour gudie told us while we were in CR that the SE part of the country, around Limon,etc is more crime ridden, also, San Jose…..


    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Oops, it was the CDC, which also recommended the Hep vaccine. Got that as well.[/quote]

    wow, and the CDC never lies and is always straight with people! sure…

    Sad, some want to beleive this and are able to live in CR, those of us that dont buy this americanized pill popping crappola and are stuck in this desicated culture……..


    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Yup, Dave and CRfinca are correct. And you will really want private schools if you don’t live in an urban area. Here in the rural areas, there are a lot of tiny (10-15 students) one room schools with little support for books/materials. You aren’t going to be satisfied with the quality of education you get.
    Cost of living is also a huge issue – if you want an American standard. Look closely at your finances.[/quote]

    Victoria, your statement is not quite true. Tilaran for example is a rural town, the public high school has over 1000 students from all over the county, and there are several large public primary schools in different parts of the town. There is a private (catholic) high school with approx. 100 students and a private primary school with approx. 80 students (including kindergarden etc.). The same teachers that work at the private schools also work at the public schools, so there is no difference in education level. Private schools require the parents to buy books (expensive !!) while at the public schools the teacher has a book and makes copies (less expensive for the students). My children went to private school because their itinerary is better for single working mums (I am such too). Plus their English education is better. Nevertheless, if children already speak English, this is not of priority. They will have to learn Spanish in any case, and they will learn fast.
    Those 1-room schools are mostly at tiny out-of-nowhere villages where no buses pass by.


    Well, Aguacate must be ‘out-of-the-way” because there is a one room school house here with 11 students, and its right on the bus route.


    We also have a one-room school house near us, and it too, is on a bus route. No school buses included, though.


    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Well, Aguacate must be ‘out-of-the-way” because there is a one room school house here with 11 students, and its right on the bus route.[/quote]

    well I guess it is. You also wrote:

    “….you will really want private schools if you don’t live in an urban area. Here in the rural areas, there are a lot of tiny (10-15 students) one room schools with little support for books/materials. You aren’t going to be satisfied with the quality of education you get…..”

    This sounds like most public schools in rural areas are one room schools. You have to define rural first. In Costa Rica pretty much everything is rural, except the cities in the Central Valley, and cities like Liberia, Santa Cruz etc.
    The Lake Arenal Area is rural but most pueblos have decent public schools with more then 1 room. Look at Tilaran, Tronadora, San Luis, Nuevo Arenal, Rio Piedras, Tierras Morenas, Sabalito, Parcelas………..
    I would think that an expat-single-mother with 5 kids would prefer to live in Tilaran rather than Aguacate.

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