Dentist in Grecia needed

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    Can anyone recommend a good dentist here in Grecia. I have tried a few and the only good one has retired. There are at least 20 here. I just don’t know where to start. Doesn’t need to speak English.


    Dra. Jessica Gonzalez Munoz takes care of us and several friends. We all think highly of her. She speaks perfect English, is very accommodating regarding appointments, analgesia, etc. And she has good contacts to specialists (including her brother, a periodontist who teaches at the Baylor University School of Dentistry).

    You can reach Dra. Gonzalez at 2-494-1000. Her office is next to the Mutual of Alajuela office a block south of the red iron church.


    Thanks David, someone else recommended her father who I thinks works out of the same location. I will give her a try.

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