Devil in the details – Why I’m Leaving America

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    I believe . . . can be done in the US.


    Omigawd! A voice of reason. Where have you been hiding?


    Sprite wrote:

    And finally, it is my position that voting is worse than a waste of time. Voting just encourages the crooks in Washington DC.

    This is dead wrong. The less voter interest, the more the politicians feel free to do whatever they want for their contributors. This is something that is frequently said by those who want to rationalize ignorance of how to vote and laziness.


    [quote=”hakesp”] wrote:

    The less voter interest, the more the politicians feel free to do whatever they want for their contributors. .[/quote]

    To add to my own post: If you believe that the US government would cut SS for those living abroad, then you need to run not walk to vote. Because groups that don’t vote are always disadvantaged in the political process.


    Good point on voting. Case in point would be the 2010 mid term elections when the Tea Party raised some eyebrows with the vote they got out to support their chosen candidates.I take no stand on whether they are good, bad, or indifferent, but they did create some attention. It will be interesting to see how many of them retain their seats this time around, & I speak as a lay observer of the political processes that got them into office the first time around the horn, so to speak. Not quite sure what way the wind will be blowing in November.

    john c

    This about sums up why I’m leaving…

    Also, the dept of homeland security just purchased over a BILLION hollow point bullets. This is a DOMESTIC agency. I guess they are expecting the terrorists to do a Normandy style invasion on Ellis Island sometime soon. 🙄

    I know one thing…hollow points aren’t used for target practice and they are illegal to use against our enemies, per the Geneva Convention. I’m sure everyone can figure the rest out.

    If you have money in the US financial markets, I agree with Ann Barnhardt….

    Get out!!!

    Read up on the recent 7th court of appeals decision. Your account funds are being REHYPOTHECATED. They can be stolen from you and you now have no protections.


    [quote=”hakesp”][quote=”hakesp”] wrote:

    The less voter interest, the more the politicians feel free to do whatever they want for their contributors. .[/quote]

    To add to my own post: If you believe that the US government would cut SS for those living abroad, then you need to run not walk to vote. Because groups that don’t vote are always disadvantaged in the political process.[/quote]

    Please wake up. Voting will change nothing. The powers that be have made it impossible to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs. The current system in all of its aspects must collapse into dust because it cannot be fixed, adjusted, tweeked or in any way made to work for us.


    [quote=”john c”]This about sums up why I’m leaving…

    Also, the dept of homeland security just purchased over a BILLION hollow point bullets. This is a DOMESTIC agency. I guess they are expecting the terrorists to do a Normandy style invasion on Ellis Island sometime soon. 🙄

    I know one thing…hollow points aren’t used for target practice and they are illegal to use against our enemies, per the Geneva Convention. I’m sure everyone can figure the rest out.

    Get out!!!

    You for got one interesting little piece of recent news. FEMA appears to be mobilizing for “Mass Fatality Planning”.

    john c

    yeah…I’ve seen the latest ‘Mass Fatality’ planning. George Orwell could certainly see the future.

    I highly recommend everyone dump all mainstream media propaganda and start following the top alternative news sites. is my favorite for putting it all together in one place.

    Be sure to check out the articles and videos from George Celente and Peter Schiff.

    I also recommend the Sons of Liberty Academy…

    Chris Duane has spent a good portion of his life putting this information together…and now he’s giving it away for free.


    [quote=”hakesp”]Hint: that will not be accomplished by refusal to pay the taxes needed to start climbing out of the fiscal hole. Note that all the things Waggoner has done in CR — farming, orchards, chickens — can be done in the US.

    Yes, a voice of reason all around but this last is certainly true.
    Instead of finding solutions to imagined issues some of us sit around complaining that the sky is falling.
    Let it fall. I am in Costa Rica becauise I am old and tired of fighting winters.


    [quote=”waggoner41 I am in Costa Rica becauise I am old and tired of fighting winters.[/quote]


    Excellant, good a reason as any…..I want to leave before I get to old to leave and before things get where I cannot…at some point, the jews in Germany saw the writing on the wall, some that coul left, others of means could not accept it and likely at some terrible point said “crap, if I could do this over…..”

    excellant reason to move-cold, winters……..BTW, I too am on facebook…



    Great reason to leave-being a product of Minnesota in my earlier life led me to a great appreciation of warmer climes. I have to laugh when my customers in Annapolis grouse about the weather. Typical comment is, “Man it’s cold today.” My response is “how cold is it?” Customer says “25 degrees.” I respond with ” but that’s on the plus side of the zero.”:D

    Had a wonderful lunch yesterday at our house with another responding member of the web family. We figured out we were geographcially close, so got together prior to their absconding for good and had an informative afternoon. One can only hope other members connect in this manner from time to time. So very helpful to my wife and I as we are still in our baby steps and drinking in all we can!

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