Do books survive the humidity?

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    Does anyone have experience in how well books hold up in the CR humidity? Is a dehumidfier necessary to prevent mold/mildew in books — or even effective? I’m a writer and my library is a big part of my life. Many thanks!


    I am a voracious reader online and have also bought over 1,000 books in the last five years and they seem to be just fine but I live in the Central Valley where the humidity is not as bad as it would be in other areas…

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    It really is a function of where you intend to live and store your books. Costa Rica has so many different micro-climates that the best move would be to use a dehumidifier unless you’re living in an area that has little or no humidity. It’s amazing how a couple of miles or feet of elevation can change the climate here in CR. The Central Valley is pretty dry but even there you’ll find that the green season can cause problems. For the money I’d invest in a small unit just to be on the safe side. If your collection includes works that have more than personal value it’s the best move!

    Edited on Mar 23, 2008 14:16


    Thanks, Scott and Imxploring. We’re moving to the Agua Zarcas area, which I’d guess is “pretty humid” although less humid than, say, an ocean-front location. I’m glad to hear there’s hope for a dehumidifier to work — I’d heard horror stories of folks on the Pacific coast whose libraries were consumed by mold and mildew. Thanks!


    On the Caribbean coast my family has gone through 3 TV’s, 2 Satellite recievers, 1 electric cloths dryer, a stereo and 2 DVD players in 3 years. I loaned them some fairly expensive night vision equipment and it stopped working after a few months too. Papers and books don’t seem to last long there either – even when stored in ziplock bags.


    Wow! Do you know if they used a dehumidifier? And do they get salty humidity from the ocean … I think the salt is a factor in accelerating damage to electronics.


    Probably salt plays a big role but it’s also very humid there. I didn’t see a dehumidifier there so most likely not. But that humid air tasts salty so I imgine you’re right.


    Although environmental factors certainly play a role in electronic life span, you are forgetting one huge factor. The regulation (or lack thereof) of electrical current is a huge factor in the life span of electronics & electrical devices of any kind. I think I would definitely consider something to protect at least the more expensive electronics or appliances. When you are not using them, unplug them from the receptacle. As for cherished paper goods, I would keep them in a specific area with a dehumidifier. Most of all, don’t forget to inspect and/or replace your “protectors” at appropriate intervals.


    Sounds like you know some things about this topic. How does one protect against regulation of current besides unplugging? Is there any equipment that can be installed?



    I know only from my own experience after having appliances fried due to power surges. Unfortunately, I do not have a whole house protector YET, but I do have individual surge supressors on all my “expensive” electronics/appliances. If you decide to get any of these products for protection make sure you do your homework to find the best solution for your home. Here is one spot you can start with. I have never personally used them, but it is a place to start your research.
    Good Luck!

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