Dominical Hospital Article a Joke

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    Dear Scott,

    I come to this site frequently because the articles are informative and to the point. Where was the information about the Osa hospital – there was none – just a thinly veiled sales add for Coldwell Banker. If the author is going to title the article about the hospital – at least she should give some info about it. IE: size, locations, completion date, directions – anything but sales dribble and fluff.

    “These serve only as anecdotes but turning to facts… Within 30 minutes of Dominical a new hospital is poised to open its doors in the second half of this year. It will be more than twice the size of the old hospital.

    Services provided by specialists will include cardiologists, neurologists and oncologists. The hospital will have emergency and operating rooms, a laboratory, drugstore and nutrition among its varied services.”

    Within 30 minutes of Dominical, would that be north south east of in the middle of the Pacific? Informative stuff – can you imagine a hospital with an emergency and operating rooms, a laboratory, drugstore? And then there is the “poised to open its doors in the second half of the year” – Definitive! Awesome “facts!” Twice the size – so if the old hospital was 50 meters in size – than this one must be 100 meters?

    Why am I addressing this post to you and not the author – because you own the ink and this information-less article should not have gotten past your watchful eyes – tisk tisk.

    This is also a case of the author not putting in the time to make the article represent the title. Triple tisk for her for not doing her due diligence work –

    A friend who owns restaurants once said to me “If you want to know how clean the kitchen is – check out the bathroom. It will have the same cleanliness level.” – can this theory also be applied to the author’s real estate due diligence level???

    Am I the only one who thought this “article” was pure hype????


    The article could have been more informative however, it’s clearly not a ‘joke.’

    As you well know, at times it’s not that easy to comprehensive information out of the people responsible for this kind of a project.

    I’m sure there will be follow up articles in the future.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    The hospital is for real. I saw it last time we were down in June. It looked almost done and is decent size, all one story. Can’t tell you anything about services it will offer but it is 35 minutes South of Dominical right on the Costanera. About 10 minutes from our property!


    Hey Scott you do not have to defend it, you do a great job and you have my respect for it. Some get by. You should ask your people to submit more content rich articles. She (or you) could have simply retiled it and avoided the journalistic stinker. I guess I am sensitive to veiled marketing.

    What kind of hospital is it – Caja or private?

    If you know anything about the Quepos Caja hospital you know why I ask. The doctors suck for anything more than a minor injury and it is nothing more than a glorified clinic and a sales tool for RE agents.

    I think what is interesting is the synergy between the public and private sector proposed for the Heredia hospital. And here is a short example for a nice way to package information:

    “According to a World Bank document, the Heredia hospital to be built on its new site, 400 meters from the current hospital, is located on 11 hectares donated to a new private entity that will fund the hospital. The new Hospital will lease out its services and facilities to Caja patients and at the same time provide service to non-Caja (private) customers.

    Now in theory, this is a great idea: state of the art hospital that serves public and private medicine. I wonder if they can make it work. Would privately insured customers go to the front of the line or would there be a private wing and a public wing, and then share specific facilities? Time will tell…. Regardless this will be a great and sorely needed addition to the community.”

    That took me 10 minutes on the internet and a couple of minutes to write it. I think your contributors owe you and this sites readers more than that.


    I have just returned to the States. The Hospital is looking good. It is located at the 194KM marker on the Costanera Highway 25 minutes south of Uvita, across the street from San Buenas Golf Resort. It is 80,000 sq, ft. Scheduled to open August 2007, which obviously didn’t happen, but it looks very close to opening. Not sure if it’s public or private but from all I heard I would say public.




    Posted Oct 18,2007 7:04 AM Ione

    Regarding the article on the Dominical Hospital, unless you are near death, I doubt if most foreigners would (or should) even use it. The hospital is actually near the town of Cortes and looks like an old Army barracks. The deisgn is incredibly poor with many small buildings connected by walkways. Just what this area needs considering the amount of rain we get. A solid building under one roof would have been more reasonable. After 14 years of living full time in Costa Rica and using its medical services for a variety of minor and major problems, I can vouch for the high quality of medical services offered by Hospital Clinica Biblica and CIMA. Those are the only two hospitals that I recommend for foreigners. Anyone who has visited a local/national caja hospital would most likely not return unless near death. Local hospitals are just that, for the locals who can’t afford the type of service that we are used to receiving. As far as bokers promoting this hospital as a reason to purchase real estate in the Dominical area, I truly question their motives. Any area real estate broker who promotes this hospital to their clients is doing them a disservice and should reconsider their profession or lack of!
    Bob & Ione
    Dominical, Costa Rica



    This is the kind of sales hype article that gives real pros a bad rep. From years of knowing the Manuel Antonio area and having been a patient and a visitor to the Quepos hoispital (BTW – which stood empty for more than a year after iot was built because they built it before there was sufficent water pressure to service it – I thought it was a joke when I was told that – but it was true – more monkey bussiness (sorry couldn’t resisit).

    So there you have it – a Costa Rica hospital which outside San Jose is code for “Glorified Clinic” no matter how big it is – Heart Transplant anyone? I’ll pass.


    I agree with Bob & Ione, If you have an emergency and can’t get to CIMA or Clinica Biblica, then let the ambulance take you to a public hospital. CR doctors & surgeons are some of the best and most work in both the public and private sector so you will have access to the best doctors no matter what, but that will not give you much peace of mind once you’re recuperating. You can pay extra to be put in a private room, but by no means is this going to equate the type of nursing care you would get at the private facilities. My dad had a stomach ulcer rupture while visiting CR and they did a wonderful job with the emergency surgery, but he hated every minute of the remaining hospital stay. I had surgery in San Juan de Dios because they had the best surgical equipment at the time, I paid extra to be in a private room and I still had to have a friend stay the night with me because the nurses left much to be desired. One kept trying to put the blood pressure sleeve on the arm that had the IV–ouch! I only stayed one night, but by the end I was just asking the nurses not to touch me. So if it’s not an emergency, plan ahead and use the wonderful private facilities available–it will save you a lot of grief.


    On my second visit to CR I had an emergency situation in Nosara at the time they had no doctor or she was not reachable or something. At 12am my girlfriend had to drive me to the CAJA in Nicoya(that is some drive at 1am!). No one there at this time, but by morning it was a zoo, that said the nurses treated me well but I had to wait about 10 hours the next day for the one specialist in the area to show up. He was great and chastised a nurse for letting the iv get un-taped and opened up to a possible infection. He had them give me a couple of shots, he also told me if they would have called him he would have come in the morning…they said they couldn’t reach him! I knew I just had to be patient although I did not have the benefit of Diegos post I knew how a gringo and his tall blond girlfriend were perceived. I was laid out on a gurney the entire time in a large communal waiting area with no AC or windows, just screens. I was just happy to be getting some care and although my girlfriend was losing her patience after 14 hours in this place and butting heads with the nurses, they treated me well and brought out nice lunch’s. But of course CIMA was a welcome sight for the follow up visit and it was some of the best care I have received in any hospital.

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