Ebay land for sale in Puerto Viejo

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  • #191535

    I am a Realtor in the Puerto Viejo Margarita area – an can without a doubt confirm that NUMEROUS clients show at our offices asking for help to find their lands. Mr Leu has been scamming people for 20 years on this very same property. He should be stopped. AM Costa Rica is currently investigating him…as have many others…let’s hope someone can put a stop to this.


    Do you have that attorney’s name?


    Special Power of Attorney drafted by Mr. Leu’s Costa Rica attorney initiating a defamation of character lawsuit vs. M. Pinto and associates.
    Yo, MICHAEL D., de apellido LEU, único por la nacionalidad que se dirá, ciudadano norteamericano, mayor, casado una vez, empresario, vecino del número siete mil setecientos cinco de Saint James Drive, Mentor, Ohio, Estados Unidos de América con carné del Seguro Social del país de origen dicho número trescientos ochenta y uno-cincuenta y seis-seis mil trescientos treinta y cinco vigente hago constar por este medio que le confiero al Licenciado ELOY ALFARO ALTAMIRANO, mayor, divorciado, vecino de Santa Ana con cédula 2-286-476, abogado y notario, un poder especial administrativo y judicial sin límite ni restricción alguna, para que mi nombre y representación, pueda actuar en todo lo que sea necesario en defensa de mi honor y mi salud mental dentro de un proceso civil ordinario por injurias, calumnias, y difamación que se tramitará en el JUZGADO CIVIL DE LIMÓN contra la o las personas que han usurpado en forma ilegal y arbitraria las propiedades de que es dueña mi representada, de la cual soy Presidente y apoderado generalísimo sin límite de suma sociedad domiciliada en Pavas, San José, Costa Rica, denominada INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS IN LAND ML & HR SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA, que se traduce al español como INVERSIONES INTERNACIONALES EN TIERRA ML & HR SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA, con cédula jurídica número tres-ciento uno-trescientos veintiséis mil ochocientos noventa las cuales siempre han estado debidamente inscritas debidamente en el Registro Público como fincas independientes a nombre de mi representada y de las empresas que anteriormente eran dueñas de ellas. El reclamo deberá necesariamente comprender a las personas físicas y jurídicas que usurparon ilegalmente dichas propiedades y cuyo juicio se ventila en el Juzgado Agrario de Limón y que me ha causado un gran daño moral y físico. El poder además se confiere para que pueda intervenir en cualquier otro proceso de carácter judicial que eventualmente pueda surgir con motivo de esos reclamos; para ello queda él expresamente autorizado para demandar, contestar demandas, contrademandar, desistir de ellas, conciliar, plantear excepciones, incidentes, recursos, nulidades, ofrecer pruebas, preguntar y repreguntar y en general hacer cualquier cosa que sea legal y necesaria en defensa de los intereses de mi representada en todas las instancias administrativas o judiciales en que se deba actuar; también puede el abogado dicho sustituir este poder en todo o en parte, revocar sustituciones y hacer otras de nuevo, reservándose o no su ejercicio. Confiero este poder en la forma y términos prevista en los artículos ciento dieciocho del Código Procesal Civil, el artículo mil cuarenta y cinco del Código Civil y en el doscientos ochenta y tres de la Ley General de la Administración Pública, ambas de la legislación costarricense y lo firmo en la ciudad de Mentor, Ohio, Estados Unidos de América, a las diecinueve horas del sábado once de julio del año dos mil nueve.
    Es auténtica:
    As extracted from the Costa Rica Penal Code as associated with the national constitution per defamation of character, which in Costa Rica, is a criminal offense:
    The Costa Rica Penal Code outlines the law that identifies defamation, libel, slander, and calumny as offenses against a person that can carry criminal penalties, which have and can include prison time and fines for those convicted. The Penal Code punishes anyone who produces and/or reproduces statements declared defamatory to others, including anyone proven to be associated with this crime.
    The Penal Code contains the laws that deal with crimes in the form of libel, slander and defamation. Defamation, which includes libel and slander, occurs when a false or malicious statement harms the reputation of another person by lowering his standing in his community or place of business. Libel is expressed by print, writing, pictures or signs. Slander is expressed by oral expressions or transitory gestures.
    Costa Rica Criminal law is governed by the federal criminal code, which contains the offense of defamatory libel and blasphemous libel. Defamatory libel is matter published, without lawful justification or excuse, that is likely to injure the reputation of any person by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or that is designed to insult the person of or concerning whom it is published.
    Everyone who publishes and/or contributes to a defamatory libel that he knows is false, even in part, is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to possible imprisonment, with accompanying fines.
    The proprietor of a newspaper is liable for the libel unless he proves that the defamatory matter was published without his knowledge and without negligence on his part.
    Documentation of land ownership:

    Preliminary Title Search w/Stewart Title, San Jose, CRica
    Stewart Title page 2
    Ownership Transfer Receipts on back of legal documents
    National Registry Ownership Link: directions to look up


    We have seen these scare tactics many times before….that is what this is above: scare tactics to get us to back off and continue the sale of invisible lots over the internet.

    We recently contacted the Mr Leu’s attorney mentioned above in the “lawsuit” – asking him to help us locate the properties in Limon. We spoke to him – but he was busy with another client. We called him back twice – he never responded back to us.

    All that we – and the many scammed victims want to know is: WHERE is THE LAND?? Just SHOW us the land!


    SLANDER AND LIBEL might be criminal offenses in Costa Rica…. but then again false promises and larceny are too…. and I’m guessing it would be a much easier case to make that this guy has ripped off quite a few folks… so let the powers that be take their best shot… I’d like to see this guy along with a bunch of these other land promoters tossed in jail for the damage they’ve done!


    there is NO LAWSUIT against us..because defamation, slander and libel are only illegal IF the facts being spread are wrong. In this case, they are researched and accurate…with many victims. OUR CLAIMS are ACCURATE. This must explain why I have not been served ANY papers or notification of any lawsuit.

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