Emergency Medical Insurance in Costa Rica

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    I’ve been looking for an “emergencies only” health insurance policy to give Marcia and me an alternative to the CAJA system should we have a medical emergency here in Costa Rica. We pay cash for our routine care in the private sector. (We’re also covered in the U.S., but only there.) And as permanent legal residents, we’re required to be enrolled in the CAJA but we prefer not to impose on its resources or to be limited to it should a need arise.

    Just today, we sent in the application form for a British company, HealthCare International, which offers just the coverage we’ve been looking for. Their “Emergency” Plan covers Emergency Department and inpatient services only and only in the event of legitimate unforeseeable events such as accidents, serious illnesses, heart attacks, etc. The plan provides for a $2,000 annual deductible per person and they offer choices of co-pays from zero to thirty percent. For an additional premium, they will extend coverage to the U.S.

    The HealthCare International Emergency plan isn’t what you’d mistake for “cheap”, but for some it may not be a budget buster, and it could save you a bundle if you ended up at CIMA Hospital or one of the other private facilities. Premiums can be paid annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly.

    Upon your arrival at the hospital, they must contact the company to verify your coverage, but my understanding is that billing and payment are handled directly between the company and the hospital, so there is no issue of your paying first and then submitting for reimbursement.

    Here’s a link to a brokerage, located in Shanghai, that can give you more details:



    Great information, David. Thanks for doing the research and sharing it! I requested a quote also.


    I filled out the quote info as well. They’re supposed to respond within 24 hours. We’re still looking for a catastrophic type policy to cover us when are in the US for up to 6 months of the year until we reach 65.


    [quote=”lyncota”]I filled out the quote info as well. They’re supposed to respond within 24 hours. We’re still looking for a catastrophic type policy to cover us when are in the US for up to 6 months of the year until we reach 65.[/quote]
    Rather disappointed. An agent did eventually respond, promised a quote, but said that because we weren’t planning on making a move for about 2 years, we wouldn’t be hearing back from him any time soon. That was a few weeks ago. We’re trying to make a plan!!!

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