Find out if taxes are due on your corporation

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    Does anyone know if you pay the taxes on a Trust Company. I simply cannot find anything on mine?


    what’s a trust company? do you mean a sociedad anonima? did you go to the website someone posted and put in the number of your corporate cedula?? that will tell you what is owed.


    We have tried to pay the corp. taxes for 2012, for several clients, during the last 2 weeks in December at BCR. All this time the system was down and the bank could not establish connection with the registry. Now, after January 1st. they want you to pay not only 2012 but also 2013, you can not pay each year separately. How tricky and dirty is that !! Many clients have sent us the money for 2012, including the fines and interest, but they wanted to wait to pay 2013 at a later time. Now they have to wire more money, pay more bank fees etc.


    WHAT???? Well, of course, they want you to pay last year’s tax AND this year’s tax. Why wouldn’t they? I paid mine late last year waiting for some other decision from Sala IV but there wasn’t any so i ponied up the $1.50 in fines. That is one reason it’s always best to pay these silly things when they are due — there is always some other catch down the line that will make life inconvenient for you here in Puravidaville!


    [quote=”maravilla”]what’s a trust company? do you mean a sociedad anonima? [/quote]

    A trust is a legal entity that is set up to hold the title to real estate (in our case) during the term of a bank mortgage. It’s an entirely different breed of cat from a [i]sociedad anonima[/i]. I can’t give you the details, but putting our real estate, which is held in a Costa Rican corporation, in a trust company’s hands makes foreclosure much easier should we default on our mortgage. Going this route was a condition of granting our mortgage.

    Even though Marcia and I own the shares of the corporation and are its officers, we cannot do anything that would jeopardize the corporation, such as getting another mortgage or selling it, without the trust’s approval.

    BTW, we paid our corporate taxes at BCR in Grecia yesterday morning. Everything went perfectly smoothly.


    And what is the DEADLINE for paying these taxes? i’d have three conflicting reports.


    [quote=”maravilla”]And what is the DEADLINE for paying these taxes? i’d have three conflicting reports.[/quote]

    January 31st 2013


    that’s what i thought. thank you.


    I found the article in La Nacion that confirmed the corporate tax is due by 01/31/2013.

    I think the January 15 deadline is for the luxury home tax & perhaps that is the source of confusion for AM Costa Rica??? I don’t recall AM Costa Rica publishing a correction, though, so I think there are potentially many expats who still think the corporate tax is due by the 15th.


    Doug Ward

    [quote=”elindermuller”]This is funny, they seem to be working on the page, mine came up yesterday and today there is nothing showing.

    I think it will be due by the end of January, after that date you will start paying those tiny fines.

    Attorneys should know more…[/quote]
    Nothing funny about it. It’s idiocy. When have you ever seen any Tico site that was fully functional, govt or otherwise ?
    THAT’s why they use Farcebook.Made by idiots, for idiots.

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