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[i]”Parkinson’s Disease with Pesticide Exposure”[/i]. My father showed symptoms of Parkinson’s from in his early 30’s, so no idea on when he ‘initially got it’, but he never had any access to any chemicals. He grew up in Scotland and was a teacher in London and was never a gardener.
Last year I contacted [i]Maravilla[/i] in regards to workers using RoundUp without masks or other respiratory equipment, meant to protect farm workers. An American we know was and probably still is, using excessive amounts, as he has ‘banned’ the machete from being used on his large property to eradicate weeds, since this is ‘old school’.
Our fears for these workers and friends has caused many discussions, but the workers will not make a complaint.
RoundUp is obviously more dangerous than fluoride
almost ALL food, unless it is organic and even then that is iffy, has pesticide residues on it. if your father ate any fruits or vegetables, including root vegetables, he was probably exposed to some chemicals, even if it wasn’t Round-up. Round-up isn’t the only culprit and yes, there are other risk factors for PD, but these poisonous chemicals are right up there on the list of things that cause cancer, birth defects, and neurological damage. remember a couple of years ago when my cattle dog ate a meat wrapper that had been doused in Round-up and he got sick IMMEDIATELY — wobbly gait, gag response, and a host of other neurological symptoms? it cost me $250 at the vet to have his kidneys and liver flushes with IVs and everyone jumped on me and said oh no, Round-up is safe, it doesn’t do that, it’s bio-degradable, blah blah blah. The Hell it is. We’re only JUST finding out how dangerous it really is.
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