Follower mentality..

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    Simon, excellent response… well said…

    Roark, I too understand your sentiment… I was once a “ditto head”, drawn to the dark lords (Rush, Orielly, Bush, even Cheney). Then , reality set it (No not, American Idol and Survivor). I realized I was being played. Similar to when I caught my parents in their many conspiracies (Santa Claus, tooth fairy, etc…)… fool me once, ya da ya da ya da…



    Scott, You conspiracy kook, you! (tongue in cheek)

    It’s talk just like this that talked me out of a perfectly good fishing trip the other day…. My brother and his inner circle of friends all staunch GOP disciples, gave me quite a pistol whipping over this very subject… I was able to walk home, If we had been 30 miles out (shark bait)?

    The “Trans-Texas Corridor” once completed, will run through my back yard in central Texas. Amazingly the border check points are hundreds of miles into the US. A clear sign the borders will be irrelevant . Austin, TX locals have been in an uproar over this for a couple years now… Mostly everyone else still thinks it’s a “Crazy, Conspiracy Theory”…

    Excellent point and choice links… It’s encouraging to know the word is out…


    I am behind the times, specially as it relates to dating…


    regarding “conspiracy theory” I like this quote from:

    “Firstly, one needs to be aware that a conspiracy theory is only a conspiracy theory because someone of seeming authority has said that it is. It is only a theory because, they assume, there is no hard evidence to otherwise give it credibility. In the case of the events of 11 September, however, there is also no hard evidence to support the official version of events. For some, the ‘official’ story is as much a conspiracy theory as any other that has been put forward. Gerard Holmgren, for example, a fairly influential conspiracy theorist at a website called, observes almost cynically:

    “…the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about 19 Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer 4 planes simultaneously and fly them around US airspace for nearly two hours, crashing them into important buildings, without the US intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to do.”

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Scott is exactly correct about the North American unification. They met at Bush’s ranch in Crawford, and from what I have heard it was agreed upon to have this as a future treaty. The reasons were to protect ourselves from the Chinese industrial and economic giant it is becoming. NAFTA was the start, and this will consummate the deal. Now it becomes more apparent why CAFTA is coming into play. Eventually all of north and Central America will be able to be somewhat united like the European Union. Together, I’m sure it is thought we can be autonomous from the other economic giants. The deal will come out in the US’s favor because we are the only Superpower on the planet right now. Today MIkhail Gorbachev, former leader of the ex-Soviet Union railed against Bush and the US government for its seemingly Imperialistic ways.
    The corridor of which is spoken would have been blocked by the “Wall” which has yet to be, and most likely never will be built. The government has allocated $800 million dollars to build it. I believe that was last year in around October. It is supposed to be 800 miles long. To date only 13 miles have been built and we are trying to get through immigration reform before another foot can go up.
    There are forces at work here which none of us are privileged to know. Government works as they see fit because they are elected as representatives of the people and do not have to ask permission from the citizens for every thing they do. The problem is that they are not representing as they ought to. Our personal interests always seem to take a back seat to financial interests, as in “What is good for General Motors, is good for the country.” Unfortunately General Motors is on the balls of its backside, so the logic has to be rethought.


    Diego, Thanks. Gee, I guess I won’t have to pound my fist on the monitor for a while. LOL. I liked your poll very much and I really think it makes us answer specific questions and stay on topic. Good Job to you, amigo!


    The last plane to come down was the flight over Pennsyvania, in a remote wooded area. The Air Force was following it for over an hour. The official story was passengers overtaking the cockpit and bringing the plane down. I remember seeing the news the next day and someone was shown fishing circuit boards out of a lake a mile away from the impact zone. It was never shown again. Also the wreckage and impact crater was very small for a commercial airliner. Draw your own conclusions.


    God Scott, where have I been. as before about the announcement of the largest most expensive U.S. embassy in the world…Bagdad…you said was old news…I read it here and shared with my freinds in the U.S and NONE of them had heard about that. I can not believe how much cover-up there is in the U.S. None of these ¨new to me¨topics have I ever heard about in the States and I am enough of a neg. on U.S government and undercover activities that I would normall know about this. Obviously old news to some but I can not believe they can do such a darn good job to keep something like this quiet. Maybe many have heard of such but the general American public is so stupit that they just blow all this off as NOT POSSBLE- Just a joke. With Ford, G..M. and Chrysler all in Jund Bond status along with so many other huge companies I (not all that smart) have been talking about the colapse of the U.S funds. I read this and go ¨Holy -rap. am I really that far out of the loop?
    Terry From Costa Rica



    “At US$592 million, its proudest boast is that, unlike almost any other US construction project in Iraq, it is coming in on budget and on time. Of course, with a 30% increase in staffing size since the US Congress approved the project two years ago, it is now estimated that being “represented” in Baghdad will cost a staggering $1.2 billion per year.”

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Absolutely! the official story requires such an enormous leap of faith and suspension of disbelief. How anyone could see those towers collapse and not think “controlled demolition” is beyond me…

    check out and

    Alex Jones an Austin, TX cult hero is a pioneer in the anti Big Brother and 911 truth movement… He was on top of the 911 saga before 9/11. He was arrested for protesting GW when he was still governor of TX.


    Here is a story that could not compete with Paris Hilton. If this doesn’t make you cringe nothing will: How about 12 Billion in Cash Missing…,,2008189,00.html


    Diego, would like to discuss concept with you, awaiting your email.

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