Furniture in Costa Rica

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    We bought a condo in Playa Hermosa mainly for investment purposes witht he idea of renting mostly. Our developer wanted us to pay a very high price for the furniture (we had not choice but to take the appliances he gave us). I decided to furnish it on my own and I started researching furniture companies. I visited your forum and saw some posts on furniture. Fortunately I read some of the names that cindyc gave about different companies and researched them all. Only a couple answered my email and the one that did all our furnishings was fantastic, very serious and concerned about our satisfaction. I really want to use this forum to tell other people about this company in case you are thinking of furnishing your property.
    We were very lucky to work with a reliable company. Good luck to you too.



    1. Was there a huge difference between the price of the developer and furnishing it yourself?

    2. How long of a time frame from ordering to delivery?




    1. Very susbstantial difference. Plus we wanted itemized prices to compare to prices at home (which are much higher in Costa Rica).

    2. We ordered within a 2 month period and they were able to supply everything. Apparently sometimes showrooms in Costa Rica run out of stock easily so we had to make up our minds in short period. But we had enough choices.

    What I really appreciated from the company was their honesty and customer service. I have also heard a scary story from a company in the beach area not providing in full what they offered.


    Thank you very much for your reply.


    Dear Happygirl:
    You can find a lot of companies that selling furniture around Guanacaste, Puntarenas y San Jose. The most reconized are in San Jose and also there you can find a big range of prices and styles available. But when you want to decorate your house the best choice is finding an interior design company that can offer everything you need in one place.
    When you locate a firm that you like there are important questions to ask:
    1.How is the certificated interior designer?
    2.Where he or she graduate?
    3.Where he or she works before?
    4.Do you a portfolio of other projects that I can see?
    5.What kind of furniture you have available?
    6.Which Brands do you have?
    7.Where they built that furniture?
    8.What kind of fabrics they use?
    9.What is the difference between outdoors or indoors furniture?
    10.Do you offer both?
    11.What type of wood do you use?

    12.And the most important question… Do you have a WARRANTY on your furniture and fabrics?

    Edited on Jul 20, 2007 01:40


    Right now you can find several companies offering “interior design services” but there are only a few that really know what they are doing. Even little stores without any interior design training are offering packages and interior design for developments. And when that kind of people make mistakes they affect the credibility for real interior designers.
    I you are looking for a firm check everything I told you before buying anything. And also ask the prices for delivery and installation because what happened very often is that the stores “forget” to tell you that till the moment you have to pay or worst… when you received the furniture in your house!

    Edited on Jul 20, 2007 01:56

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