Gardening in the Dominical area.

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    My wife and I are moving to the southern Pacific zone in a few months and I want to get started on my gardens before we start building our home. I plan to have extensive gardens with almonds, avo, citrus as well as full vegie/fruit/flower gardens. I have not done any gardening for many years, and am trying to get up to speed on gardening in CR. I have the updated “Square Foot Gardening” book for basic techniques, but am wondering about landscape architects, gardeners, tips and tricks from experienced green thumbs.


    The best thing to do, is really look around at what your neighbors have planted. Tried and true. Check out the local ‘viveros’, as they sell what grows in their areas, whereas if you purchase plants in La Garita these are for different conditions, for the humid areas such as in Golfito or at the beach. Many areas the humidly makes some planting, impossible. Many, moving from North America make the mistake in thinking that veggie seeds they bring from home, grow here. They don’t! You are better planting ‘short day’ veggies and get them from the tomatoes, peppers, etc that are already growing locally.
    BTW, the almond trees available here are not the almonds you purchase to eat in the North America.
    We grow an extended variety of fruit trees, and have tried many veggies but the rainy season, destroys the delicate leaves so during this time it is recommended to plant under cover.
    Keep in mind, how fast the weeds grow here along with the cutter ants which can and will defoliate any plant, overnight.

    Edited on Feb 09, 2009 13:50


    Thanks for the feedback. Are you using a greenhouse to protect your crops, or just some sort of clear roof? Also, i am growing almonds to attract the Macaws.


    One of the favorite foods of the macaws are the Aguacatillo. We have them on the farm, but unfortunately are not in an area for macaws! A clear roof is fine for tomatoes, etc. plus I have a shade cloth covered vivero for shade loving plants with a sprinkler system. We have planted many plants that the hummingbirds like.
    I grow some tomatoes, but find since I go through 2 Kl. of tomatoes per week at least, it doesn’t make sense to grow them really when you can buy them for 400 Col per kilo. We are having carrots from the garden tonight and we still have a few small cabbages left. Lots of hot peppers, as well.
    Our fruit trees trees are ‘in the open’ since we have so many we couldn’t cover them.

    Edited on Feb 10, 2009 15:48


    I also have property in that area and found an interesting website for the New Dawn Center in San Isidro that is focused on gardening in Costa Rica. There is a newsletter with gardening tips and several books by Ed Bernhardt, one in particular called the Costa Rican Organic Home Gardening Guide, which you may find useful. Check out the website

    Happy Gardening!


    Thank you, I went to the New Dawn site. It looks like a place I will be visiting soon after we arrive. Their design service will be a great help, along with their books and seeds.


    I bought the book when I first arrived here, and while it is interesting I found it very difficult to grow an organic garden.
    keviyon, I have many varieties of seeds that I sometimes sell, if you are interested. Always fresh!
    Contact me if you are interested and when you are ready to start work!

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