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Home › Forums › Costa Rica Living Forum › gas supplies
hi there
my wife and i are thinking about all the things we need to do to try to move to costa rica
i was wondering if anyone out there has had experience getting oxygen and propane for lampworking
sounds kind of silly but just a thought that crossed my mind
This is not my area of expertize ‘slack glass’ but I can’t imagine that finding oxygen tanks would be a difficult thing to track down…
You can find propane tanks everywhere (most supermarkets and many ‘pulperias’) because so many people cook with gas.
Scott Oliver – Founder
thanks scott
i did not think that the propane would be a problem
i need to find a welder or a welding supply for the oxygen tanks or look into bringing a oxygen generator
thanks again
welding supplies are available everywhere. It won’t be a problem
thank you for helping out
i will just need to find the right person to buy it from
thanks again
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