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    Obesity and esp that flabby, pouch many have in their teens is a part of an enriched, GMO diet….sad to see kids,esp women, in their teens with that flappy, slushy waist line and see other nations that their people do not, or near as much……Tico’s live better, for most of them, due to healthier food choices and no chemical junk in the food. CR has a large blue zone, the USA? none, nor Canada, UK….


    it’s a promotional thing — you can buy a copy but they were offering it for free for just this week. it’s really well done and very worth your time to learn everything you may not have already known about GMOs. i just saw the letter to the editor in AM Costa Rica regarding this issue, and yet again, people are getting the GMO technology totally WRONG! this is not what we have been doing for thousands of years. this is new, and it is deadly. sheesh.


    [quote=”maravilla”]and then there is this longterm study just released.

    i am sure you are a very nice person, victoria, but you are woefully misinformed, uninformed, and are proffering a stance that is contrary to everything that is known about GMOs. because this issue affects everyone, and the future of all food on the planet, don’t you think you owe it to yourself to be fully informed so that you can speak intelligently on the issue?[/quote]

    I am not saying anything good or bad about GMO. Look at this:

    Experts not involved in the study were skeptical, with one accusing the French scientists of going on a “statistical fishing trip” and others describing its methods as well below standard.

    Tom Sanders, head of the nutritional sciences research division at King’s College London, noted that Seralini’s team had not provided any data on how much the rats were given to eat, or what their growth rates were.

    “This strain of rat is very prone to mammary tumors particularly when food intake is not restricted,” he said. “The statistical methods are unconventional … and it would appear the authors have gone on a statistical fishing trip.”


    “If the effects are as big as purported, and if the work really is relevant to humans, why aren’t the North Americans dropping like flies?


    well, they ARE dropping like flies. Have you seen the “Weight of the Nation”? The US is the fattest, and most unhealthy — we eat more junk (most of it made with GMOs) and take more pills than any other country on the planet, and all the illnesses related to obesity are breaking the backs of the healthcare industry. there are many well respected scientists who believe part of the obesity epidemic is related to the ingestion of GMOs. I don’t know very many people — maybe one or two — who are my age who are NOT taking pills for indigestion, cholesterol, high BP, and a variety of other mysterious ailments that doctors don’t even know how to treat. Look at what the average person eats — it’s really no mystery to me why they are all sick. I would question the funding of the study that contradicts the French study. Look what Cargill just did with the Stanford study saying that organics weren’t all the nutritious. follow the money, as they say.


    [quote=”maravilla”]well, they ARE dropping like flies. Have you seen the “Weight of the Nation”? The US is the fattest, and most unhealthy — we eat more junk (most of it made with GMOs) and take more pills than any other country on the planet, and all the illnesses related to obesity are breaking the backs of the healthcare industry. there are many well respected scientists who believe part of the obesity epidemic is related to the ingestion of GMOs. I don’t know very many people — maybe one or two — who are my age who are NOT taking pills for indigestion, cholesterol, high BP, and a variety of other mysterious ailments that doctors don’t even know how to treat. Look at what the average person eats — it’s really no mystery to me why they are all sick. I would question the funding of the study that contradicts the French study. Look what Cargill just did with the Stanford study saying that organics weren’t all the nutritious. follow the money, as they say.[/quote]

    No need to get the GMO’s in an uproar. I don’t think there was another study. The comments were made by other scientists. They had some vald reasons as to how the study was done. Plesse either reread it or read it.
    Usually as with many things. There is his side, his side and the right side. I think this my fall right in there.
    Blaming everything about Americans health on GMO is flawed.


    that is the study that i read, which has been all over the news for the last 4 or 5 days. more than 2/3 of the population of the US is fat or obese. the greatest % of increase in girth has occurred since the introduction of GMOs. but that is another topic. to my knowledge, there have been no longterm studies proving GMOs are safe, and in fact, there are plenty of studies to prove they are not. hey, i don’t care if anyone wants to eat this stuff. but it has to be labeled. that is the fight right now. and that is not unreasonable, and if they are so safe why are countries prohibiting GMO crops, or destroying them when they are imported — hell, even the haitians, who were starving after the earthquake refused to eat GMO corn. it’s a hot topic for sure, and the biggest problem is that people don’t understand the issue with Bt, or terminator seeds, or round=up ready seeds. call me crazy, but i don’t want to eat something that was bathed in round-up, or has a potentially lethal toxin introduced into every cell. so the tipping point will come after the vote on Prop 37 in California. vamos a ver.


    The 3 year French study condensed to a 12 minute video.


    Here’s another short campaign ad’


    Finally, a scientific study! Unfortunately, it was published in a journal backed by Green Publishing which has a serious bias against GMOs. I had the article reviewed by a PhD physiologist with 27 years in research. He concluded that the study: used too small a sample, does not include multiple species, has no claim of P-values (statistical significance), and showed results that are not dose-dependent. In addition, a valid study can be replicated and must be replicated by other labs to be trustworthy. Please don’t refer me to any more videos that are designed to provoke an emotional response, not a logical one. Thanks.


    Spoke with a [i]very reliable source[/i] yesterday, who explained that Monsanto has leased a large area in which they are experimenting with GMO cotton. They have planted both this and ‘regular’ cotton and the company who planted and give the TLC must account for [i]every seed planted[/i].
    Of course, this is with the approval of the government. of Costa Rica.
    [b]camby,[/b] the are lot’s of obese people here…


    Victoria, you can believe whatever you want. You don’t think it’s significant that the tests monsatan did were only for 3 months, and yet all the side effects began to appear at 4 months? well, isn’t that just so convenient. the Caen study was well done, and well documented, but for people like yourself, there will never be enough evidence to convince you that inserting a Bt toxin in YOUR food is going to have any adverse effect. please, you can have my share of all of these GMOs. Science is NOT emotional. This video was NOT emotional, it was presented as evidence about the study. Did you watch Genetic Roulette or The World According to Monsanto? no, i bet you didn’t. why get more information when you’ve already made up your mind that GMOs, including round-up ready and Bt crops, have been in existence for thousands of years. sheesh.


    First, don’t attribute things to me that I did not say.

    Second, I don’t “believe”, I think.

    Third, of course the videos played the emotional card – big bad corporation out to harm your family is emotional. Playing on fear is emotional. Science is fact.

    Finally, this will be my last post on the subject. We will just have to agree to disagree.


    the Caen study was completely independent. that it was picked up and published in many journals shouldn’t be surprising, and it is the only study that was done for more than 3 months. but i guess that doesn’t count for anything.

    there have been NO studies at all done on the safety of these organisms in humans, we only have rat studies. there is absolutely no proof that they are safe. the general public IS the study. don’t you recall all the others things we were told by big corporations that were safe: cigarettes, DDT, agent orange, cocaine, heroin, antidepressants, Vioxx, Baytril, and the dozens and dozens of other products that were removed from the marketplace because of the health problems they caused to humans. i find it really frightening that there must be millions of people like yourself who can never be presented with enough evidence to show that something you believe in is in fact a danger to you. well, you just keep eating your GMOs and you can be the post-marketing study. And don’t believe everything you think. Punkt.

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