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- This topic has 1 reply, 12 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 9 months ago by
March 26, 2010 at 1:47 pm #163046
Memberoh, yes, i agree with you JD, let’s get some scientific articles that were ghost-written and funded by Monsanto — you know, like all the ghost-written articles by Big Pharma that appear in the medical journals. obviously you have not been following the research that has been done on gmo’s — the movies and the books are well researched and if gmo’s are so wonderful how come some countries, who have also done the research, have banned the use of these foods? haven’t you seen the demonstrations they’ve had in france and italy against the WTO? oh, that’s right, they don’t show those things on Fox News, you have to either watch local European news or follow DemocracyNow.
March 26, 2010 at 2:02 pm #163047awilson1333
MemberI think that is the whole point here. Monsanto has managed to convince the US government that scientific evidence for the safety of GMO foods is not required. Why? Because they claim that GMO foods are no different than traditionally grown. How can you make a claim like that without any scientific evidence? You can’t. The problem is that back in the mid ’90’s a former Monsanto scientist Arpad Pusztai’s research indicated that rats fed GM potatoes suffered from increased organ damage. (I’m not going to provide you links, you can research this yourself if you like). Needless to say Monsanto didn’t like this at all and so he was fired and blacklisted, by paid off pseudo-scientists. In addition, there has been a tremendous reduction in the bee population (nobody can argue that without these pollinators, there will be a significant reduction in food). The jury is still out on the causes but many scientists believe it is linked to the introduction of GM crops. The point is, as I made before, do you want to be the willing guinea pig for Monsanto? I personally do not.
March 26, 2010 at 2:29 pm #163048jdocop
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March 26, 2010 at 2:30 pm #163049awilson1333
MemberWhat is this? Just because you watched some movie, you think that you can make the claim that your responses are the correct and true facts of the matter? Please provide us with a real scientific source for your claims, rather than referring to a movie! (and, when I say ‘real scientific,’ I am most definitely NOT referring to one of your special interest group/political-axe-grinder/I’m-right-and-you’re-wrong organizations).[/quote]
JDOCOP: What would you call all the Monsanto lobbyists that have managed to buy off the politicians in favour of Monsanto? Much of the problem today is that government is completely controlled by corporate America without any concern for the well being of its citizens. The current food Czar is former Monsanto VP and chief lobbyist Michael Taylor.
Do you honestly think that Monsanto is going to give up billions of $$$ because there is a possibility that one of your organs will fail, if you eat their GMO foods? Why should they care, they’re all rich (and maybe buying organic)? They know better… that’s why they’ve gone to such great lengths to cover up the real science.
March 26, 2010 at 5:34 pm #163050gzeniou
MemberThanks awilson1333 you seem to be much knowledgeable on this subject. I heard about the movie, the world according to monsanto, ironically when we were in Costa Rica but being in the US, we have not be able to get a copy of it.
One it comes down to it, Most people are unaware of what GMO’s are as Monsanto has done a great job there. However it never amazes me how some folks are willing to debate on a topic they admittedly and obviously know nothing about. We can only steer folks in the right direction, they have to be willing to spend the time to get educated on the subject. With that being said, if our information is flawed we are just spending a little extra cash on food. If the research and information we have is correct then The GMO eaters could possible be really sick and unhealthy in the years to come. Which side would you want to be on?
March 26, 2010 at 5:59 pm #163051jdocop
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March 26, 2010 at 6:13 pm #163052maravilla
Memberoh, john, you place way too much credence in “science” — have you read the book “The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship” — if not, i highly recommend it because it will show you how these papers on which you place so much importance are often written by the very companies who have a vested interest in people believing their products are safe, and in fact, these companies often pay doctors or scientists a hefty fee to put their credentials on such bogus articles after which those articles are then hailed as scientific proof about this or that! Science was hijacked years ago by big business. a perfect example of that are the statin drugs — one of the biggest pharmaceutical frauds ever perpetrated. you can do your own research on that. the same is true for gmo’s — there are correlations between the ingestion of gmo organisms and health changes not only in rats and mice, but in sheep, cows, and goats. in areas where gmo cotton was planted, and where the livestock grazed on said gmo plants, most if not all of the animals died. again, do your own research. i am just happy to see two other posters who believe as i do, that we do not want Monsanto or ADM or ConAgra to be in charge of the type of food i consume. Europe does not want any gmo’s — they don’t even want a lot of food products manufactured in the US because of our prolific use of gmo soybeans, corn etc all of which are key ingredients in packaged food. if we concerned consumers don’t speak out against these monster multi-nationals, we will soon all be consuming Solyent Green. but then maybe you are one of the people who couldn’t care less what they put into their bodies as long as it tastes good.
March 26, 2010 at 10:31 pm #163053gzeniou
Member[quote=”jdocop”]wow………you guys are so busy defending your position that you don’t even read for content…..your attitude is that if one is not with you, then one is against you……..You claim to have done research, and to have information that you think is not readily available to anyone else, and just because their conclusions do not agree with yours, you decide that you must lash out. [/quote]
“You claim to have done research, and to have information that you think is not readily available to anyone else”,
No one in here as stated we have done research that is not readily available to anyone else.” The research is there for all to see. Have you checked out any of the movies suggested? These movies not only spell out the issues but they supply information where to find more research and facts. I suggest these movies because they are full of information and the quickest and easiest way to learn about GMO’s. Posting one link here isn’t going to help with the issue, you need to get a general overview which takes a little time. Just get yourself una cervesa (beer), a bag of GMO free popcorn (LOL) and enjoy the movie. “Try it you may like it”.
“your attitude is that if one is not with you, then one is against you”
this is not about being with you or against you it’s about education and being able to make an informed decision. It makes no difference to me or probably anyone in the forum if you think GMO’s are great and go on a 100% GMO diet. It may save you some bucks after all, but then again maybe not.Organics also mean chemical, Hormone and Antibiotic free. We prefer leaving those out of our diet.
March 27, 2010 at 6:05 am #163054augie
MemberThere have been studies regarding the safety of GMO food. There are some articles here. [url=]http://www.naturalnews.com/026426_GMO_food_GMOs.html[/url]
Monsanto, in my opinion, has to be one of the most evil corporations in the world! Their executives should be charged with [b]Crimes Against [/b][b]Humanity[/b]! One can watch the documentary, [b]The World According To Monsanto [/b]online, just Google it. Then, make up your own mind.March 27, 2010 at 12:36 pm #163055jdocop
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March 27, 2010 at 1:13 pm #163056DavidCMurray
ParticipantI certainly do not profess to know whether GMOs are beneficial, harmful, or the scourge of mankind. I do wonder why somebody would go to the effort to develop them, however, if all the scientific evidence is that there are no benefits whatsoever. And, once developed, why would anybody buy or use them? Seems like the developers and the buyers collectively have their insteps squarely in their gunsights, no?
One of the contributors to this discussion wrote above, “There is evidence that GMO’s are harmful, actually a couple of studies out there, . . .” which (apparently) refers to the results of some scientific endeavor. And then s/he and others proceed to rant against science. Seems like either you accept the scientific method or else you don’t. Yes, scientific evidence can and has been skewed, but it seems like you cannot in the same breath castigate science and also embrace it just when it conveniently supports your position.
One must always pose the question, “If it’s so bad, where are all the bodies?”
March 27, 2010 at 1:25 pm #163057maravilla
Membermaybe you or some of the posters on this forum will be some of the bodies because you have been eating gmo’d corn chips, and soy products. maybe some niggling health problems you have are related to your diet or the ingestion of gmo’s. the benefit of gmo’s is for big agra, certainly not for the animals or humans who consume them. if either you or john had any interest in this topic, you’d do your own research — hopefully not relying on industry-paid studies to prove that they are not harmful. but what it basically boils down to is a life philosophy. if you want to rely on Big anything to provide you with meds, foods, etc. then you have to be willing to take the risk that there are inherent flaws in those products, and if you or anyone else were to get sick, die, or be injured in any way, those companies have already set aside a big chunk of money to pay you to go away. the very fact that people are willing to accept this food manipulation platform as “normal” is what scares me — i don’t want my food tinkered with and i don’t want to eat frankenfood, which is why i stay away from all packaged and processed foods, because those things are loaded with everything nobody should be eating. but i’ve found that most people have no interest in this topic because they have been propagandized to believe that if some big company made it, it must be good. those are the same people who eat corn-fed beef, even though feeding a ruminant a grain is tantamount to torture for that animal, and basically it comes down to having no food consciousness, but rather eating to fill the gut no matter the consequences.
March 27, 2010 at 1:27 pm #163058jdocop
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March 28, 2010 at 3:53 pm #163059gzeniou
MemberI believe that this has been a very useful tread. There are obvious several members of the forums that share the same “scientific facts” not that there is a difference in scientific facts. In any event, the original purpose of this tread was to discuss the availability of Organic products in Costa Rica. Perhaps if you know of an Organic entity, whether its a farm or bakery etc. you can post it here. Many in the forums may be interested. Thanks, George
Since I started this tread I have found an Organic Coop in Atenas. Information posted below. My wife and I will be in Atenas in a couple of weeks for about a month and plan on checking it out more closely.
“CAOA, the organic cooperative of Atenas, has found a new home. After having used the Red Cross building at its beginning and then the Spanish/English Fun porch, the members of the coop now receive their goods at the house of Genevieve and Alex, two new Atenas inhabitants. Their home is located 150 meters south of the Red Cross, in the Oasis, straight up the hill on the right hand side. It is currently run by Chiqui Fonseca and Genevieve Codere, with lots of help from Melanie LeSuer, the wonderful baker.
“But what exactly is CAOA? It’s an organization that permits its members to receive or-ganic goods produced in Costa Rica. Anyone can become a member. Each week, mem-bers place their orders at the coop. Then, the organization places orders with the different producers or distributors. We try to use as many local products as possible and we order everything that cannot be found locally through a distributor coming from the organic farms in Zarcero. A wide variety of products can be ordered, from fruits and veggies to chicken, goat cheese and goodies like homemade pastas and German breads and pastries, these last two items baked fresh by Melanie.
Each Friday, between 10 and 12 noon, the goods are distributed to each member and after paying for your weekly products, an invoice is given to each to show how af-fordable the prices are. Genevieve has done some comparison shopping at the public market and found cilantro, for instance, at the same price as the CAOA sells organic ci-lantro. Jean has found that pound for pound the whole chickens are slightly more expensive than chickens in the public market, but the organic chickens are larger, averaging 2.1k, compared to the normal 1.5k chicken. And the taste of organic, free-range poultry is wonderful. And the organic eggs – the yolks are more yellow, the whites firmer, the shells are harder – there really is a difference! And the papaya – we who have become used to the organic papaya say there is none sweeter.
New members are always welcomed. We are poised to grow and the more orders we have for these products the more we help grow the market for organic, thus showing the far-mers that they can make money at it. If you are interested, you can call Genevieve (Gen) at 2446-5768, write her at genevieve@micasamicostarica.com, or show up on Friday morning to have a look at what it feels to be part of a group who cares about the food they give to their families, and the environment in which that food is grown..
We are always interested in meeting new producers also. If you have organic products, you can contact Gen to propose them. She speaks French, Spanish and English.”
March 29, 2010 at 1:55 pm #163060jdocop
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