Gold Panning in Costa Rica

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    Just wondering if anyone has ever tried this (in a fun hobby type way). Did they have any success? Where in general did they go? Are there other gemstones that one can find in Costa Rica besides gold?

    Have a most awesome day 😀


    This may be a silly observation but if someone did find a good source for panning gold somewhere would they announce the location it in a Discussion Forum? 🙄



    Many years ago I panned the river near Carate. I was successful in finding a little bit of gold, maybe enough to buy a soda.
    I believe the tent camp nearby now offers panning as part of a tour.


    I would think that the Gold Museum in San Jose would be spectacular. I’ve always wanted to go there and to the Jade Museum. Can anyone reccomend or at least comment?

    I have already invested close to $100. in cabfare on my 1st trip to Costa Rica in hopes of seeing these 2 museums.

    In 2010, my wife and I got in a taxi at the Aeropuerto Hotel in Alajuala and did not think that we would survive the ride.

    The driver was a madman–stopping, starting, speeding, pulling around in oncoming lanes, all the while trying to wipe the inside and outside of the windshield during an afternoon rain shower!

    No defrost and very little wiper blade action. When he got to the vacinity of gold, we asked him to take us back to the hotel.

    My wife was green with carsickness. Can anyone tell us what we missed?


    In my humble opinion, the best part of the Gold Museum is the fact that so very much pre-Columbian art has been preserved and made available for public enjoyment. The Museum itself is lovely, too.

    All that said, we found ourselves thinking that once you’ve seen one or a few gold disks, you’ve pretty much seen them all. To the trained eye, the differences may be noteworthy, but to us it was an awful lot of the same thing. Still, if you’re in the neighborhood . . .

    And if you are in the neighborhood, whatever you do, don’t miss a guided tour of the Teatro Nacional. THAT is the real treasure, in my humble opinion.

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