Golfito bound?

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    Any one going to Golfito to buy appliances in the next month? I do not own a vehicle/truck and would share expenses for the opportunity to buy refrig, washer/dryer and bring them back to Fraijanes (near Poas Volcano).


    Years ago, I went down by bus and bought everything I needed. I shipped it back to my house in Grecia using one of many delivery services available there. At the time it was dirt cheap, cheaper than paying for gas in my big Ford pickup.


    If your time is valuable and you still want the good deal with full guarantees and delivery, then contact David at 8361-0408. I’ve purchased major appliances, TV’s for my house and office with no complaints.


    I went in November last year with my boyfriend on a bus excursion with “martha’s golfito trips”. Found the number in a local newspaper listing. It cost 18,000 colones / person, left SJO on friday night 10pm and arrive golfito saturday morning. Saturday had all day in the deposito and saturday night the bus left for the panama boarder where people continued shopping. Sat overnight at the boarder (accommodation included but basic cheap shared rooms with random strangers), sunday past golfito deposito to pick up all the purchases and send big stuff by transport (3% cost) to central valley store sheds, and returned to SJO late sunday night. We did not wish to go to the boarder so we negoitated with Martha to stay in Golfito, as we bought other peoples unused allowances in the final hour before they had to check out and lose it, and bought more stuff. What can I say. It was a long trip, but we paid Colones 205,000 each for a top of the range whirlpool dryer and same prices for the latest model whirlpool washing machine. With all the other stuff we also bought and kept or sold on, we saved over $600 on purchases based on price comparisons in Heredia, and acquired almost twice our actual allowance of stuff (allowance is $500/person each 6 months). You have to balance out what your time is worth, if you would enjoy the experience (many would hate a 24 hr white good shopping endurance trip) and are going to buy more than one large household appliance, AND do your homework before going by contacting shops in the deposito before to check availability on models and prices then it maybe worth it for you. If $600 is a drop in the ocean of cash you have, then don’t bother. Its definately not 5 star travel. We were going to drive, but in Novmeber the cost of gas was much higher for our vehicle than the transport costs to Heredia and the trip costs with Martha. I didn’t want to drive that far either and then try to shop for 24 hrs.

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