Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations

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    Boys against girls – no. This is about unrealistic expectations and that we are flawed. There is nothing better than people who understand each other, forgive and move on. That goes for friends, business partners or lovers, husbands and wives. What Don Diego writes about is the human condition. He has pointed out is that we all are stimulated by sex. Even reading about the exploits is entertaining.

    None of us knows where life goes and some of us can take it by ourselves and some can’t. If you are in a relationship with a friend, treat them as such. Don Diego has pointed out his flaws. We all are flawed when it comes to lust. But is it really a flaw? Isn’t the need to procreate fundamental? And if we have this need that sells billions of dollars of products, then shouldn’t we address it and reason about it open mindedly, instead of pretending it does not exist.

    Maybe you don’t die from not having sex, but you might feel like you want to. Men’s biological desires for sex have been exploited since day one and for this reason I believe it’s humane to have legal prostitution.

    In Thailand there exists the junior wife. Man meets woman, they prospers, woman sets up and runs household, man runs business and they have children. They age together and woman passes childbearing age. Man takes junior wife. This is usually a 20 year old girl that prosperous man now sponsors by paying for her modest home and supporting their new child who is raised with the first family. Senior wife and her children provide emotional support for new child and children usually act as liaison between senior and junior wife. Junior wife does not partake in senior wife’s household nor is included in inheritance. Junior wife is not expected to stay faithful to child’s father and is expected to marry and become a senior wife. Junior and senior wife maintain a healthy relationship in the village. Of course these relationships are based on financial ability. It is normal for prosperous and powerful men who can support their desires to fulfill them.

    Senior wife has household, and money for security
    Husband has external young partner
    Junior wife has sponsorship and child
    Child has stable and affluent family for support.

    These marriages have realistic expectations without the stigma of illegitimacy and the pretense that men desire one sexual partner their entire life.

    Noel2460 is less than eloquently expressing his biological design. Don Diego please pass the charm. But he supports my claim in a vulgar way that tolerance for this primary desire is at the least humane. If its accepted in society, people benefit, and I believe you are seeing a shift in Tico society – a moving away from the stigma of unwed mothers and women choosing not to wait for mariage to have children and its expectations and commitment to fidelity. I also see more Tico fathers taking part in not only supporting but raising their children – outside of marriage. IMO marriages are not as frequent because people do not want the stigma of being in a “failed” marriage and because both mother and father do not want to partake in the church’s unreal expectations of marriage. Ticos are starting to find marriage unrealistic.


    BTW does anybody know what ITC is? Mentioned in Don Diego’s last post?




    oops, mine was x=rated, so i deleted as to not offend mature readers…………


    People cheat because they are flawed. Whether its at gambling, finances, or fidelity. Who is perfect?

    Don Diego – please pass the maturity along with the charm. Some members seem unable to handle “R” rated themes.

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