Hal O’Boyle, on the money

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  • #196069

    Great job Hal! You hit the nail on the head once again. Janet Napolitano, where did they find this winner. I don’t feel so lonely myself anymore.

    Keep the faith.


    Hal O’Boyle’s article is at [ https://www.welovecostarica.com/members/2154.cfm ]


    This site is no place for US Political B.S. I come to this site for information about Costa Rica, it’s people and the experiences of others who have already retired here – not US politics. If I wanted to read the pro-gun, anti-abortion, anti-government rantings of the far right, I would be reading the Opinion pages in Rupert Murdock’s newspapers or watching Fox News.

    Joseph Rhoades


    I’ll second that motion!


    The option is just not to read it, it is only a small part of what is offered here. Also I don’t think Hal can be compared to “Fox”, they did not support Ron Paul…that’s for sure! lol. Also one of the many reasons people leave the US is for political ones. Even if you are leaving for a more affordable place to retire, that can be traced back to political policy in the US that prevents many of it own citizens from a comfortable retirement.


    Today the US government looks at retirees as a liability… not an asset. Think about it a minute… Casinos “love” winners… they parade them around hoping others will try to become the next big winner… knowing full well that the vast majority will fall victim to the odds, lose their money, and fuel the casino’s greed with their dollars.

    The US government needs tax revenue… and LOTS of it… looking at the lastest Fed borrowing and you’ll see where this ride is headed… retirees take from the system… they don’t add to the tax base… therefore… there’s no incentive for the government to see people enjoy a comfortable retirement… it doesn’t suit their needs.

    Between the cost of underfunded social programs (SS/Medicare) and the loss of revenue when a senior worker making top dollar is replaced with a worker being paid less the revenue curve it headed down… the baby boomers will attempt to retire at their current pay rate being taxed to death…only to be replaced with new workers making much less. That’s not even touching on the greed these companies are showing in the treatment of employees.

    Retirement (a realistic one) is completly out of reach for most in the US these days… and make no mistake about it… that’s the way Uncle Sam wants it… and needs it to be! Funny how were now in the midst of the greatest economic mess since the great depression… just as all these baby boomers are entering what should be retirement!

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