Having a baby in Costa Rica

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    Hola Mis Amigos. My wife and I were surprised to find out that she is pregnant again! This after we took the precautions of it not happening by me havinig a vasectomy! There is only a one percent chance of this happening. So, when we have the baby we will call it “Uno.” Not true but perhaps it will be a knickname. So, my question is: Private hospital or public? Also, what should we expect the costs to be? Our previous child required a c-section so this will be likely again. We live in Dominical. The nearest hospital would be in San Isidro which is around an hour away. Does anyone know of a good hospital in San Isidro or should we focus on San Jose?



    You can see the details of Hospital CIMA at

    This is considered to be the best hospital in Central America and not just Costa Rica.

    Cesarean details at

    They used to have prices up there but I cannot see them now …

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    My cousin’s wife just had a baby and they paid $2,500 USD at a private clinic in Liberia for a scheduled c-section. That inluded all the doctors visits leading up to birth. They were happy with how everything turned out. Sorry I can’t shed light on hospitals in San Isidro. I would personally have a child in San Jose, but that is just my personal opinion from research. Congrats and buena suerte!



    I remember son’s birth in a hospital in Westchester County, New York which cost just under $10,000 and that was in 1990. My daughter’s a few years later was much more so $2,500 today sounds like a helluva’ deal to me.

    Scott Oliver – Founder

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