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  • #175609

    after 10 days of searching i found some property in guanacaste that is 15 minutes from a gorgeous secluded beach…not sure about the real value per acre or the water costs ,elec. cost. just know it is stunning. price increase in this region per year ??


    You’re only going to get guesses to this question because nobody can really point to any accurate data to back up their estimates… And without knowing the area you are talking about, I certainly can’t even “guess.”

    Scott Oliver


    There is basically no MLS in CR and you can not easily go to city hall and look up the transaction records of surrounding real-estate deals as you can in the US in order to compare or track prices. Also, you still have a lot of research to do. Your stunning view may ultimately be nothing more than an expensive campsite if you expect to have access to a well or city water, electric and phone. Many places do not have this access, and I know of one person that spent $100K and did all of his homework, but was given false information as to water rights, and how his property could be used. He described it to me now as a $100K elephant.


    Great feedback dkt2u

    I hear the same stories every week. There is a man (North American) I know who is selling land near Tamarindo saying that there is water on the property when he KNOWS there is not. And without water, the buyer will not get a permit to build so… He too will have an “elephant”.

    BUYER BEWARE! And again, PLEASE don’t blame Costa Rica! 90% of the “unscrupulous” land deals we hear about are Americans and NOT Costa Ricans.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    FIRST, I am not a realtor or any other version of someone selling, referring or in any other way profiting from property in Costa Rica.

    SECOND, I believe that IF you’ve found a spot that “floats your boat” after 10 days of searching, than by all means check out all the things these other people are telling you. But mostly…

    BUYER BEWARE is still the best thing to say and that says it all, all the way down the line. From property registration, to water, to permits, etc.

    BUT MAINLY I wanted to say: Don’t be discouraged by all the things these people are telling you. THERE ARE still great deals on great properties here. Where IS the property you’re talking about? Maybe I could at least give you a personal perspective. I’ve been “getting to know” Guanacaste for a few years now, seeing prices that range from outrageous (like Nosara) to downright bargains (heard of “Venado”?) Personally I enjoy “searching” around Guanacaste for properties. It’s just another way for me to get to know my “neigborhood” better.

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