Higher crime or plain stupid?

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    There are THOUSANDS of apartments and homes under construction in the Jaco area, but even when they have finished what’s on the table now, I might then call it ‘more developed’ but I still won’t call it ‘over developed.’

    There are growing pains in any area that is developing rapidly.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Jaco is far from Overdeveloped. Right now there is a lack of quality product on the market. There are currently about 2200 condos or single family homes that are just being completed, under construction, or in pre-sales. Of these 2200 more that 65% are sold and the ones that are not sold are in the beginning stages or product that just doesn’t make sense. Like 300K condos with no view and no beach access. Another point to make is the majority of this product is being purchased by Cash Buyers so the market is real. Unlike what we are seeing in the US with projects being purchased with 100% financing and developers getting constructions loans because they have some 10K deposits. Jaco is seeing alot of change the community is changing with it and it is prepared for the bad people by adding more police as well as community awareness. There are people that will never like Jaco but those are not the masses and that is why we are seeing all the development. We are seeing the developement because of the Demand. There is honestly a lack of product in Jaco area and if you think it is Over developed now give it 5 more years and then is might be developed but we have 20 years until it is over developed like a Cancun, Miami, or Maui. 🙂


    Wow Scott,

    Thousands of apartments and homes under construction. I hope those people will have a good security plan.

    Again I think you know what I mean by over-development, for example when the infrastructure and services cannot keep up with growth. That is already the case when the government cannot provide basic security for the citizens and visitors. This is certainly the case in the Jaco area without the added “THOUSANDS” of new apartments and homes under construction. Again I hope those people have a good security plan.

    Again my thoughts, although I think they are valid.


    Lisle55 are you in the real estate sales business in Jaco? My guess is yes. There were a very high number of cash buyers in Florida also. A lot of flipping there, as is going on in the Jaco area. I’m sure you are familiar with the Costa Montana project and others by Costa Developers in the area. A whole lot of flipping going on there. Guys buying three, four, and five lots and turning em over. If that isn’t a recipe for disaster, watch out….

    Good luck to you in the sales business, if that is what you do.

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