Hills of Esterillos or the developer ?

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    Costa Rica LTD? They have a small complex just south of Jaco near Playa Hermosa. I recently looked at some homes under contruction there. Has anybody heard good or bad about them?


    They build small homes in Esterillos and Bejuco, I have friends that own homes in both projects, walk to the beach (both beaches are very nice), most home models under 300K. There were some delays with infrastructure and construction, it’s also “co-direcho” ownership as opposed to segregated title. Like any developer here, they have had their aggravations with getting the local municipality to permit and complete, but these projects are for real and have current happy owners living on site.


    Thank you for the reply Tico. I am a little concerned that the power poles aren’t in and the pool has been delayed. I beleive the developer may have a cash flow problem. Can you plx explain co-direcho vs segragated title?
    Nice to know your friends are happy. Are they full time residents?


    Hi. I know the project well. The developer needs to sell more properties to complete everything. Witch is pretty normal these days. As for the difference in title. Most of the properties in LTD project are co-direcho witch means you own a share of a corporation. The property wasn’t segragarted into individual title. Some don’t mind and so do. I would consult an Attorney so you can hear both sides. Good luck


    I purchased a lot about 2km east of Parrita in a small gated subdivision. We all hear of so many other troubled projects – so it’s nice to see this one is actually succeeding. The lots are individually deeded, and the full infrastructure is complete (road, water, and electricity to all lots). There is a security / gatekeeper’s house at the entrance (guard and his wife and kids live there f/t). 13 lots (of 20) are sold, 2 homes are complete, 2 more will be done by end of year, and a couple more are set to begin in 2010. Very nice design, and very environmentally friendly. First HOA mtg was in Feb – 100% attendance and everyone is excited to be forming this community.


    Good info, thanks! Not owning directly sounds a bit scary.


    Sounds like ur happy with that, I’ll have to look it up on the internet. Is the lot and home pricing similar?


    I love it there (haven’t built yet but the existing homes are great – designed by Pietro Stagno, a top CR architect). Lots range from $55k – 110k, 1.25-5 acres.


    Checked it out, looks great. What does it cost to build? Are you really a monkey? Amazing!


    Bob is a good guy, homes are well built, esterillos is a fantanstic laid back town. Buy it.


    Hi Cr and thanks for the input. Are you a resident there? Part time or full time?
    The homes seem to be pretty solid but not quite up to some others I have seen but still appear to be a good value. I’m concerned about his cash flow and ability to finish the project. Resisdents are sharing 1 power meter at this point since permanent poles haven’t been installed yet. What is it you like about Esterillos?


    I have lived in Esterillos for a while, very quiet, nothing to do, only visitors in the weekends. If you want “the action” Jaco is close by. I prefer Esterillos above Jaco.


    Could you perhaps define “the action” for those folks that have not been to Jaco? 🙂


    Not really the “action” some folks might be interested in… or perhaps I’m wrong!

    Edited on Jul 18, 2009 07:29


    You raise a good concern – if electricity is “in the future plans” – that should raise an eyebrow. Getting an electricity system installed and approved are both major miracles in CR. We had to go through so much red tape and added expense, but finally got it signed off by ICE and have power delivery to all homesites.

    My property is very near Esterillos and I agree with those here with the preference of sleepy Esterillos over Jaco or Quepos (but let’s not tell too many people – it’s a great secret!)

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