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- This topic has 1 reply, 22 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 6 months ago by
August 8, 2008 at 1:44 pm #191898
MemberThat tree-hugger nonsense is so stupid on its face. What’s wrong with taking care of our planet? What’s wrong with not chopping down every single tree to build a new shopping mall, or build those awful housing developments that are taking over the world? What’s wrong with wanting to take care of our Earth, since it’s the only place we have to live. In my lifetime I have seen the air and water polluted beyond my imagination; our food is contaminated by the multinationals who couldnt’ care less if what they spray on their nutritionless crops gives us all cancer. I just wonder if the people who spew that tree-hugger nonsense as though it were the big bogeyman really listen to how stupid they sound.
August 8, 2008 at 2:18 pm #191899sprite
MemberThose people on the other side of the fence, the ones who keep calling us environmental nut cases and liberal extremists and anti American and a whole bunch of other names are never, ever, ever going to stop looking at the world with their wrong minded ideas. This is the way of things. It has always been this way.
I read one report which stated that an individual’s political leaning is genetic. That doesn’t mean you are a liberal if your father and mother are liberals. Some genetic traits are known to skip a generation. But it does mean that strong genetic political tendencies are not going to be changed by civil discourse. (There are those who have little or no political tendencies…the fence sitters).
The fact that the Bush presidency was a total failure in the extreme should be looked at as an indication of just how strongly politics is bred into a population. Enough Americans voted for the same fool a second time even after witnessing the huge screw ups he created….and many probably do not yet see that they were indeed screw ups.
August 8, 2008 at 3:30 pm #191900soflodoug
MemberLook reality is reality and you or I cant change it. Global warming fact The earth is rotating closer to the sun,wow that makes sense! But people and politicians just try to profit from what people dont know,for god sake just watch national geographic once in a while! Cutting trees down, theres plenty of trees. Trees are the hair of the earth and they keep growing back.
I voted for bush the second time,but you know what I didnt vote for bernanke who crashed the realestate market raising rates like a mad man,I didnt vote for gonzalez who screwed up fannie mae,and now who the heck cares who you vote for,gravity will bring this declining market down even more. The insults by bush sending 300.00 checks,obama promising 1000.00 checks,what a joke. Most americans are looking at the politically correct view and that is older than dirt. Why doesent someone with a brain run for president? Whatever,the time has come for the usa to be absorbed by the rest of the world so learn spanish and german if you live in florida because they are buying there like crazy and enjoy life. Nothing you can do now, the vultures will clean up the mess.August 8, 2008 at 6:33 pm #191901maravilla
MemberSomeone with a Big Brain would know better than to run for President. And just HOW did Gonzalez screw up Fannie Mae? And how is it Bernanke’s fault about the mortgage crisis? Did he personally make all those loans to people who should never have gotten one? I don’t suppose you saw the special on the pervasive influence of china in countries such as Brazil, where they are cutting down the rain forests to grow soybeans to meet China’s demand. Do you think THIS is a good idea? Stripping away the forests that harbor hundreds of plants that have medicinal value as yet untapped in order to grow a food source for a country that is overpopulated already? How about McDonald’s stripping away the trees in Brazil and Argentina to grow more cattle for their poison burgers? It’s open season on all our natural resources. How big is YOUR footprint? I make whatever flimsy effort I can to minimize my consumption of oil and other resources. I recycle when I can; I refuse to buy any food that has been packaged, and I don’t drink anything that comes in a bottle or can. To just throw up your hands and say, oh, well, this is the way it is; multinationals are going to rape and pillage and there is nothing we can do, is such a defeatist attitude. If I were Empress for a day, I’d ban every one of those god-awful Hummers that abound in my neighborhood, along with the Lincoln Navigator and that horrid Cadillac SUV.
August 8, 2008 at 7:16 pm #191902soflodoug
MemberYour not alone maravilla,just as I pointed out in my previous posting, many americans are in the dark,If you need to ask what did gonzalez do or bernanke for that matter you are in the dark,im not saying anything negative toward you,but I am saying unless you understand the mechanics of banking and exactly what these people did,mortgages were underwritten with fanniemae and freddie mac guidelines,they set the rules!Bernanke raised the rates which on top of the margins that increased adjustible mortgage loan rates well you dont know,there are plenty of trees for everybody and they always plant more. Not eating packaged goods and all that in reality is not gonna make a bit of difference.Gas prices are dropping today so fill up that car! Enjoy life while you can. Grab a big mac on me.
August 9, 2008 at 2:08 am #191903Alfred
MemberMaravilla, you are correct! This is exactly what has happened to the medical profession. I was too long winded in my earlier post to describe it in detail. HMOs are ruining the system. The patient has been taken out of the equation, and doctors have all they can do to get paid. You’re right, insurance companies have staff just to deny or chistle down a doctors payments. I know one MD who closed his practice two months ago and has to retain a person for two to five years to collect all he is owed by the insurance companies. Sad.
I still think we are seeing the beginnings of a social medical system, it is just the fact of profit being such a hard thing to let go, that we will ultimately screw it up. If we had a system of true social medicine, like Cuba has ( out of necessity) from the start, it might work here. But $500k in education costs throw the prospect of an MD wanting to practice for a lesser amount of pay out the window.
Thanks for you concern regarding my wife. Monday we’ll find out the test results. We’re praying. I remember the concern and advice you and Lotus had for my son a while back, and I again thank you both.
If we already lived in CR, we would avail ourselves of the CAJA, but we’ll be here in the USA for quite a number of years. fortunately we have health insurance, and that should cover the medical expenses.
August 9, 2008 at 2:10 am #191904Kenneth
MemberLotus said: “In socialist countries like Venezuela gas is cheap because the government sets the price.”
Yeah… Now there’s a great example. And that’s why so many people worldwide are moving to Venezuela.
August 9, 2008 at 2:57 am #191905Kenneth
MemberThis thread is really revealing. It clearly defines the separation between the conservative and liberal thought processes. From my vantage point, there is plenty of rational, respectful exchange occurring here, but some are resorting to expressing their frustration through personal attack. Examples below.
ed f – “Never underestimate the power of denial—
Kenneth, bradbard put it out there, pretty strong stuff, why don’t you spend a few free thinking minutes of your (complaining but reportedly) happy life thinking about and replying coherently to what he had to say.” – Are you seriously suggesting that I have not responded to bradbard? I even extended an olive branch and thanked him (?) for taking the conversation into a productive mode. His response was ‘copy and paste’ input from what I consider to be questionable sources.bradbard – “My God! You’re so awesomely smart Kenneth – To think that you know all the answers before we even think of the questions. And the answers are all so simple – Wow!” – I may poke a little fun at the other side, but this is pretty low. Certainly sarcastic and rude.
ed f – “Maybe all the “liberal democrats” could pool their money and buy Kenneth a bus ticket to Managua.” – Don’t worry. I don’t have a vote here in Costa Rica, so this is the extent of my ability to express my views.
ed f – “Gosh—I thought the US was founded as a result of a revolution against tyranny, and the strength and success of the US was based on principles of freedom.” – Again wrought with sarcasm.
Personal attacks are not at all productive. We certainly don’t want to be divided here the way we were in the US. It takes a certain amount of hutzpah to move to a different country, and I think that bonds those of us who have made the decision, no matter which way we lean politically. Not everyone – on either side – has the nerve to make the changes we have made. For that I respect all of you, although I will continue to express my views of what is truth and fact, and I’ll point at the err of your ways when I believe them to be exposed.
August 9, 2008 at 9:03 am #191906*Lotus
MemberUhm..Ken I was being Ironic.
August 9, 2008 at 9:09 am #191907sprite
MemberPersonal attacks are quite immature in this kind of discussion. When I read them, I am embarrassed to find myself in such a discussion. Unless they are done with obvious and well crafted humor, which doesn’t happen often, I ignore them.
By the way, as an “intellectually free conservative” opposing us “politically correct libs” you are wrong about every other point in this thread. :-}
August 9, 2008 at 12:59 pm #191908Kenneth
MemberSo noted, Lotus. Please accept my apology.
August 9, 2008 at 1:00 pm #191909ed f
I agree, personal attacks are nonproductive in extending meaningful dialog.In answer to the nose butting question, look north to Nicaragua. Our propping up the dictator there resulted in war. Yanqui go home sound familiar? Mining harbors, running drugs for profit to buy arms, Iran Contra.
Iran, remember the Shah? Didn’t we prop him up?
Saddam in Iraq, didn’t we prop him up too?
Is it any wonder so many hate the US.I love my country, strongly.
Kenneth (1st post in thread)
“This is not complicated. There are millions of people in the world who hate the United States and want to kill all of its citizens – Including women, children, the elderly and the sick. Some of you may even recall something that happened 7 years ago on September 11 in New York. Although extremely unconventional, we are indeed in a war. Wars have evolved throughout history and we’re currently watching the next phase of the evolution. I’m sorry, but our enemies no longer wear bright red coats and line up in fields to attack.I’m not sure who “these people” are, but might they include Nancy Pelosi? Herry Reid? Dick Durbin? John Edwards? Hillary Clinton?”
It appears you’ve accused the five above named individuals of being enemies of the US, speculating they “want to kill all its citizens”.
That’s a strong statement that I found disturbing. Personal attacks, though once removed.
Kenneth (cont.)
“I voted for “GWB.” Twice! Am I delusional? No. The first time around our choice was President Bush or Al Gore who said that the internal combustion engine is “a mortal threat . . . more deadly than that of any military enemy.””Al Gore’s words used again him here, in a very sarcastic statement. Gore lost as a result of the process being manipulated, but went on to win a Nobel Prize for his work ridiculed above. Disturbing.
Kenneth (cont.)
“Conservative principles are what the United States was built upon. They made us strong. They made us successful. They made us a world power.”I could agree with everything in this statement except the first word, which makes false the remainder unfortunately.
Kenneth (cont.)
“They are being slowly chipped away”I agree with this point but for different reasons than Kenneth.
I believe torture is immoral, that lying is immoral, that ruining the environment is immoral, that subjugating others to their detriment for our benefit is immoral; strongly.Now, the personal freedom of US citizens is being chipped away. Very disturbing.
You don’t appreciate my sarcasm, my use of your words against you, perceiving these as personal attacks yet you had no problem doing both in your first post, against those not here to defend themselves.
Not that I’m even remotely deserving of comparison—-contemporary reports of Patrick Henry were that he was not well liked, a firebrand, but he is well regarded today as one with the courage to speak up.
As Patrick Henry and I share courage to speak, Kenneth you and I share sarcasm, and using other’s words against them.
My mom used to say “don’t dish what you can’t take.”
So Sprite, I’m afraid Kenneth may actually be as guilty as I.
But no absolution can be found in the sins of others.
On the personal attacks of Kenneth I am guilty.I apologize to everyone offended, starting with Kenneth.
ed f
August 9, 2008 at 1:06 pm #191910Kenneth
MemberI’ve reviewed my posts, sprite, and aside from my one misinterpretation of a comment made by lotus I find no errors anywhere. Perhaps what you intended to say was “…I disagree with you about every other point in this thread.” ??? Wrong would imply incorrect, errant, factually inaccurate. My posts are clearly none of these. 🙂
August 9, 2008 at 1:48 pm #191911Kenneth
MemberI’m not sure who “these people” are, but might they include Nancy Pelosi? Herry Reid? Dick Durbin? John Edwards? Hillary Clinton?”
It appears you’ve accused the five above named individuals of being enemies of the US, speculating they “want to kill all its citizens”.
——Not at all, ed. I’m glad you expressed your interpretation of my words, as that’s certainly not what I intended to convey. My point was that these highly respected left-leaning Democrats all voted for the war in Iraq, and agreed that Saddam was a major threat to our national security. It was not only George Bush and the Republicans who believed the faulty intelligence, but all of our elected officials.
August 9, 2008 at 2:31 pm #191912Kenneth
Member“I voted for “GWB.” Twice! Am I delusional? No. The first time around our choice was President Bush or Al Gore who said that the internal combustion engine is “a mortal threat . . . more deadly than that of any military enemy.””
Al Gore’s words used again him here, in a very sarcastic statement. Gore lost as a result of the process being manipulated, but went on to win a Nobel Prize for his work ridiculed above. Disturbing.
———-I’m not sure how using a politician’s words against him is sarcastic or inappropriate in any way. He not only wrote those words, but went on to stand by them. That is EXACTLY why I didn’t find him to be a viable candidate. The fact that he won a Nobel Prize for related work does not change the inaccuracy of that statement.
There is significant debate among the scientific community regarding the causes of global warming – if indeed the condition exists. The fact that conservatives question Al Gore’s perception of the cause does not mean in any way shape or form that we desire the planet to be destroyed. To the contrary, our desire to know all the facts, the conclusions of the scientists from both sides of the argument, stems from our desire to act in a way that actually does something. The left appears to simply want to feel good.
One simple example is hybrid cars. Yes, they use less fuel and put out less emissions, but the production of their batteries in Canada is polluting the land in a horrific way that far exceeds the value of the reduced emissions on the road. One would be far more effective in driving a Toyota Yaris rather than a Prius, but until the gasoline prices started to climb in the USA there were an abundance of Yaris on the dealers’ lots and Prius were selling for more than list price.
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