Horse Clubs In San Ramon Area

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    I am very interested in finding a group or club to join in the San Ramon area. I am also planning to purchase a pleasure riding horse in the near future. Are basic western saddles cheaper in Costa Rica than the USA? Any advice and recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help.


    Hola Judy:

    There are many Topes (horse parades)and Cabalgatas (country rides) held all over every year, some night rides as well. They are usually held in the dry season, for obvious reasons, as they may be all day affairs, or start @ noon. Horses are transported in and out on pickups or larger trucks, sometimes from many hours away, for these events, and they are as much a social affair or fundraiser as just a ride.

    We have a couple of horses (and donkeys) at our project, and we ride around out there. For some events, we´ll rent a horse rather than truck ours around, they are not fancy horses (ours or the rentals), we just enjoy being on any horse and sharing the experience.

    There are all kinds of saddles sold here, quite inexpensive, the good ones (read Padded) are not cheap, but atill probably cheaper than the US.

    Come by Solo Bueno, next to the palm trees, and we´ll chat sometime.

    Jose in San Ramon

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