How I got sucked into a cult

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    Does anybody have any idea which “cult” located in a “biological reserve” in a remote part of the country” this is?

    “… Nick Skinner is explaining how an intelligent, middle-class man could get sucked into the grips of a religious cult in Costa Rica and find himself brainwashed, suicidal and fighting for the custody of his child.”

    More foreigners screwing up Costa Rica!

    [ ]


    sounds like Jonestown without the kool-aid. I just don’t believe how stupid and gullible people can be — sheesh. i wonder why he didn’t name the place so other people could be forewarned.


    With all the beautiful weather,flora,fauna and people of Costa Rica, why in the world would anyone join a cult; in Costa Rica!


    I myself originally joined a cult whe n i first moved here

    it was called the he mans woman lovers club :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    all we did was love women and more women


    I’d pay to see the movie. I fail to see how intelligent people could be entranced by such a group, but what do I know I wasn’t recruited. :lol:LOL….I think the people there were dropping acid!:shock:

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