If they impeach Bush will you still move to CR?

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    Please don’t interpret my words as a direct attack on you. It is just that I have a problem understanding the mentality of fence sitting on such dramatic issues as war and death and morality. I believe that mentality is what elected Bush to office.

    At a certain age, a man or woman has to have developed strong opinions about the world. This has to be so because as adults we are required to take actions and we must have a clear idea as to how and where to apply those actions. Open minds are great for the classroom but we are not talking about classrooms here. We are talking about serious life and death matters that require a action. I don’t have to respect any position that opposes mine. I only have to tolerate it. I respect it only if it wins me over.


    Fair enough sprite and duly noted.

    I understand your feelings about “fence sitting” and agree it can be a negative. I do have definite positions on most issues but over the years, I have been known to change somewhat when more information of life experience comes my way. Just like in sales, nobody wants to be sold but they will gather information and sell themselves……one way or the other. One of my endeavors is selling political paraphernalia and I’ve had to separate my own political views from my merchandising somewhat or I would be losing business so I suppose I’ve had a lot of practice pretending to be neutral.



    Miles I think sprite lives on the southside of Chicago..of course prez clinton had perfecto morality when he looked into the camera and lied…must have been at the blue marlin bar and grill…enough said


    I hear you moon. All to ofter we hear what we want to hear. While I have my own leanings like anybody else, I try hard not to get caught up with the Kool Aid for lunch bunch, demonizing anyone who may have a different point of view. I see this as a tool to control the masses for the benefit of power seekers. I have no fear of being influenced by logic and I take a lot of heat for my attempts at objectivity. In my personal experence, an honest exchange of ideas where we can both learn and teach is a rare bird indeed. ‘Jus my opinion.
    PS. Sprite and I did part friends and there is definitly something funky in that south Chicago water.


    My main reason for wanting to make a move is my love of Costa Rica and the Ticos. My secondary reason is that things are going down hill in the USA and I don’t see anything changing that, regardless of which liar gets elected. I think that a more interesting discussion would be about what is going on in Costa Rican Politics. While ex-pats can’t vote it is without a doubt going to impact us.


    frettless, Excellent point!! I want to move so bad I can taste it but myfundsalo. Soon as I can figure out how to pull it off, I’m outa here. Not because I don’t like the US but because I love CR.

    PS are you a bass player or one who has no worries? (re: “frettless”?


    What exactly does this thread contribute to help people make a decision to retire in Costa Rica? Costa Rica politics would at least have some use. Please moderators – “Retire it”.

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