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    Love the site. So much to explore.
    I am a North Dakota born and raised, Minnesota summers and Masschusetts settled soon heading to Costa Rica to start a new sport fishing charter business with my husband and our dear friend Eduardo, who is a native. We will be traveling to and fro hopefully for many years to come.
    We were in Costa Rica for the first time in March of this year and couldn’t have been more blown away by the experience. More on that later. One thing that I would like to know is how to beat the heat and avoid swollen feet and ankles. Being from the north or the flight must have had someting to do with this. We were well hydrated throughout the trip.
    Need to know!!!
    Any advice?


    This seems to be an individual problem. And the only way to beat the heat is to stay in a location at a higher altitude or stay inside with A/C.


    Hi Detroitflakes!

    With the weather changing up here (Minnesota) there may be flakes soon!

    I’ll actually be duck hunting this weekend near Battle Lake!

    I am curious where you are going to set up your fishing charter business? I am always looking for boats to take guests out anywhere from Playa Del Coco to Playa San Miguel.

    As for the swollen ankles – I always find feet up and a cold cerveza works for me. Good luck!


    this is not intended to alarm you, but I too had occasional bouts of swollen ankles back in ’03-’04. I don’t know anything about your age, medical history or condition, but my swollen ankles were the first sign of blocked arteries which led to a triple bypass in ’04. if you haven’t had a recent stress test, you may consider it time to do so. hopefully your swollen ankles are symtomatic of some other cause or condition, but take time to be sure – and if there are no problems then the prescription for feet up/cold cerveza is a great remedy!


    [quote=”costaricabill”]this is not intended to alarm you, but I too had occasional bouts of swollen ankles back in ’03-’04. I don’t know anything about your age, medical history or condition, but my swollen ankles were the first sign of blocked arteries which led to a triple bypass in ’04. if you haven’t had a recent stress test, you may consider it time to do so. hopefully your swollen ankles are symtomatic of some other cause or condition, but take time to be sure – and if there are no problems then the prescription for feet up/cold cerveza is a great remedy![/quote]
    Hi Everyone who responded. Thank you. I guess I was looking for some miracle quick cure. I guess feet up/cold cerveza will do. I only suffer from this condition in hot climates. It is not too severe, just bothersome. Maybe once I acclimate to the climate it should not be so bad. I am in terrific shape and walk about 5 miles a day with my dog and managing husband’s greenhouse construction business, three kids who shouldn’t be considered kids at 21, 23 and 26. All living back at home. I just sold my florist/greenhouse/antique/retail ect…. shop a few years back after 25 years. Got money for a business where I didn’t own the property. Needed a big change as I had given my life as they say to retail especially holidays and weekends to support my family and pay off my home. Thus the reason for a bigger change – to Costa Rica. I am very excited but also scared $#%^(*$$ at the same time.
    When we figure out our Sport Fishing Charter business, I will let you know all the details. There are many, many friends, family and business contacts that can’t wait to join us when we get settled. I however love to fish and have fished my whole life. I am a fresh water fisherwoman and not so much salt. I will be looking for work hopefully in my many fields of expertise. Flora being one of my favorites. More later. Many projects going on.

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