Insurance in Costa Rica Update

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    We have just learned from Michigan Blue Cross/Blue Shield and from Delta Dental of Michigan that we are covered for medical and dental services rendered in Costa Rica. This contradicts what we thought we understood heretofore.

    Both companies said that this coverage applies worldwide to members of GROUP plans but not to those enrolled as individuals. And payment is on a reimbursement basis, so you have to pay up front for your care. Some providers (CIMA Hospital in Escazu and Biblica, for example) are enrolled with BC/BS and can bill them directly. Both plans want all the details of service that are available and require the providers’ Costa Rican license numbers. And since reimbursement is handled manually, it takes a while.

    So, if you are a member of a BC/BS group plan or maybe some other group plan, it may well be that you’re covered here in paradise. It’s worth checking, as this newfound information will save us over $4,000 per year because we no longer need to purchase medical insurance from INS here in Costa Rica.

    Also, we learned that if you are not physically resident in the U.S. for six months or longer each year, you are not eligible to enroll in Medicare Part B or Part D. In our case, this means that our former employer will continue to afford us BC/BS coverage after we turn 65 which, as fate would have it, is cheaper than Part B and maybe cheaper than Part D.

    Such a deal!



    Do you know if there is a page somewhere on the websites of Michigan Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Delta Dental of Michigan where we can see the details?

    As you mentioned, if some other of our VIP Members can save $4,000 per annum then maybe they’ll buy a few of my DVDs…:-)

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I wish I could say “yes”, Scott, but I cannot. I’ve combed everything I can find on the Internet from Michigan Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Their web pages are disturbingly thin. That’s why one of the motivations for making our current visit to Michigan was to confront the beast face-to-face.

    There are enough uncertainties in all of this, such as the limitations of any particular plan, that I think a personal visit is in order, just to be sure you’re understanding what you think you’re understanding.

    I should add that the BC/BSM representative we spoke to acted like the information about worldwide coverage was old news, so maybe I’m just the last one to get the information. Also, there are special claim forms, which are available someplace on the Internet, for claims for services rendered outside the U.S.

    Sorry I can’t be more helpful.


    Michigan BC/BS paid the entire bill from the birth of our daughter at Cima Hospital in November of 2007. We just mailed the bill in Spanish to them on a lark, we were very surprised, but very pleased! Shaun.


    That’s great news, Shaun, because they’re going to see a fistful of bills from us.

    Do you recall the rate at which they paid? Seems like you would have had a deductible and a copay to face, but was the dollar value of the deductible what you would have paid had the birth been in the U.S., and was the copay the same — 80% or somesuch?



    I am very interested to know some details on your childbirth experience in CR. Please reach me at


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