IRA to Purchase Property in Costa Rica

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  • #181895

    I have just learned you can purchase property in Costa Rica using your IRA – w/o penalties , etc
    Has anybody had any experiance with this?
    What IRA Companies have you used. I know of PENSCO
    We would be purchasing a house from a Costa Rica Corp.
    Is that difficult. IRA Custodian needs info of CR corp(S.A) such as articles of Corp, By-laws, etc in english. ANYBODY has any experiance with this -Greatly Appreciated


    If you search the site for ‘IRA’ there are a couple of articles here that might help…

    Costa Rica Real Estate in Your IRA – Tapping into your Personal Land Bank at

    Costa Rica Real Estate in your IRA – 12 Steps

    Costa Rica Real Estate in Your IRA

    You know you cannot technically LIVE in that house if you own it in your IRA right?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I do have a self direct IRA where I do buy and sell real estate here in US and I have checked out that you can do that too in Costa Rica.Just be careful of “Prohibited Transection” as described in your articles.Good Luck to you smart lady.That is the way to go.Still better is that you find someone like you and each buy a property for other to live and then IRS does not come after you. You can pay same “rent” to each other.

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