Issues and concerns at Avalon Country Club

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    Scott and fellow Avalon Country Club owners,

    As a major promoter of the complex, maybe you can comment or supply further info on the following concerns.
    Since there are 40 WLCR vip members who own units here. Does anybody else have any further comments or concerns?

    a. lap pool, gym, tennis-basketball courts, golf practice area, various fountains UNFINISHED. No work has been done for 2 months.
    b. wi-fi never works I have complained about this many times.
    c. sofa’s, furniture and tires in parking areas
    d. LC1 is going to be an “apartotel”, this is located inside the property and not facing a public street like Galiza in Sta. Ana, nobody told me this when I bought. This is a major security issue and extensive over-use of facilities by non-owners.
    e. shower head and kitchen faucet broke. Remember the unit is only 1 year old.
    f. The administrators are never around and never respond to emails & phone calls.
    g. Where are the condo fees going? The admin. accounting is very suspect. I was paying my condo fees to an account that the admin supplied to me thru Banco Nacional. Last month they said I was 6 months behind in condo fee payments. I provided the proof of payment and they credited my account. The fact this issue even occurred makes me suspect as to the mgmt. of Avalon Country Club.
    All of the issues above have been communicated to the Admin. but I never get a response.


    Sorry to hear that you are having concerns about your investment. As a small developer myself, the signs you have pointed out are serious compounded by their lack of communication to you. Even if the developers are having cash flow problems, the condo fees should be used to keep up the property. Not pay back bills. The Condo laws are very specific in CR. I suspect they are breaking some laws. You need to approach this from a criminal aspect, NOT CIVIL. My attorney Hugo Salizar is one of the top criminal lawyers in Costa Rica. He charges $40 to review a case. Don’t wait, send him an email right away. After all it is YOUR money. I will tell Hugo to expect your email.
    Good Luck
    Stanley Putra


    I’m not sure why you think a Discussion Forum is the place to address your concerns about a specific developer… If you wish to contact me personally, my contact information is all over this site:

    a. Construction work has slowed all over Costa Rica at this time of year but these items will be finished.
    b. I spend a minimum of three nights per week in the Country Club complex at my girlfriend’s place – who owns an apartment in the Country Club – and the wireless seems to work perfectly for me but I don’t know where you are trying to use it …
    c. If someone leaves a piece of furniture in their parking area, is that the administration’s fault?
    d. Not sure why this should be a major security issue and I don’t honestly know why they chose to make this building a rental.
    e. The shower head and faucet broke by themselves?
    f. The administration company is NOT Avalon, it is a separate company.
    g. Your monthly maintenance payments – which are what? $90 – do do NOT go to Avalon, they go to the administration company which is NOT Avalon, it is a separate company.
    h. Who exactly did you address these issues with and at which company?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    This Gentlemen as I see it is trying to get some answers to his questions and according to item j. he is NOT receiving any replies from the Condo association. He is desperately seeking information from you because he trusts you. Certainly if you have promoted Avalon in he past and /or continuing to do so, you must give these people answers, this is where the buck stops.
    Stanley Putra


    can you get me the e-mail for Hugo Salizar ?
    I have an outstanding issue I would like reviewed.


    This posted in the wrong thread and reposted here


    I live in Avalon Country since about three months ago, and I did not have yet any kind of information about my bills, and I request them many times. What I can do ?, could be a trail in the fourth room ( recurso de amparo).

    Dr Manuel Cerdas Calderon
    condomino 207, PA1


    When I first moved here, the wi-fi internet signal they were broadcasting was so low that I couldn’t even get reception from my balcony. They worked on it sometime in
    September or October, but I had already subscribed for my internet with
    CableTica by then.

    I have been monitoring the signal since then, and the reliability has
    improved especially over the last month, but I’m still getting only 33%
    signal here. They need two more Access Points in order to get a good signal
    around Avalon.
    I have tried to find out the person or persons responsible for the wireless
    here, but haven’t had much luck.

    Anyway, I would be concerned about using it for anything
    but casual use. I don’t know who maintains the equipment, and I have been
    told to contact Administration if there are any problems with the wireless,
    and who knows how long that could take. I talked about putting in a
    campus wireless installation here, but I would have to get the OK from the
    powers that be at Avalon to take over the wireless here and get it working properly.

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