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- This topic has 1 reply, 18 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 2 months ago by
November 12, 2007 at 9:12 pm #187871
MemberMaravilla, You’re too funny–I don’t watch much TV and can’t stand “reality” TV, but it would appear that at least in Dancing with the Stars they’re not killing each other over who wins which is in line with people that enjoy dancing. I say let people dance and watch other people dance instead of being brainwashed by watching SilverFx News LOL)…
November 12, 2007 at 10:58 pm #187872Alfred
MemberFishrman, If the US brought down the towers, don’t you think by now, somebody would have talked. Conspiracies on such a scale as that, always spring a leak. I know there are a tremendous amount of conspiracy theories out there, and I have seen many of them. Some of them are compelling. But really….There would have to be such a grand cover-up, from the politicians on both sides, to the airlines, the families that lost loved ones on the flights, to a whole host of others, it just could not be so. Having not prevented it from happening through inept national security departments, yeah, I can believe that.
Nobody died and left me boss, so I won’t speak for others but, I don’t think my life in particular, is sniveling or pathetic. I care enough for my family and myself, and we are not too thrilled about what is going on. It also appears that many of us here have enough concern to supply generous input. You are not the only one watching out. I’m paying attention…
November 13, 2007 at 12:17 am #187873Roark
MemberYou have jus rewritten the Marine Corp Anthem that states “to the shores of Tripoli.” Thomas Jefferson ordered an invasion to crush the Barbary pirates (Muslim Terrorists of that time)
November 13, 2007 at 1:42 am #187874rebaragon
MemberThe various Founding Fathers of the US did not personally invade Libya, but I stand corrected if what you’re referring to is Jefferson and Madison’s actions regarding the Barbary Wars with North African State pirates, but then you ALSO know that Jefferson did not invade any country, hostilities & unacceptable demands were declared on the US and when the military confrontation ensued in 1801-5 and later in 1815, it was between military groups not involving innocent civilians from the US nor from Northwest Africa. If you now want to call pirates terrorists then I guess you can qualify them as economic terrorists and I can think of some other organizations that would fit that bill. Look at the consequences of both wars:
War was declared on us, we responded militarily, pursued to resolve the conflict thru treaties and gained international esteem because the response was considered justified (it was considered a legitimate response) and it consolidated the US’ military structure. BTW, we didn’t make it about them being Muslims, we made it about them being pirates and bullies that made demands that left no other option but to confront them.2 Ships destroyed
2 Marines killed, 3 wounded
Christian/Arab Mercenaries killed and wounded uncertainTHE IRAQUI WAR:
We declared war based on lies, invaded the country with military and mercenaries, and have lost international esteem because the international community does not perceive these actions as a legitimate response.CNN reports 4,162 soldiers dead out of which 3,859 are from the US
Most estimates from various sources feel that there have been over 80,000 civilian Iraqi deaths due to this war (others place it much higher)
The two military actions are not the same because they didn’t begin in the same fashion and they didn’t produce the same consequences. The US came out of the process with greater esteem by other (including the North African States involved) and the deaths were minimal. Unfortunately, we can’t claim that now because MOST OTHER COUNTRIES in the world and the majority of the US public does not believe this is a legitimate military response to anything. War is always a horrible and unfortunately, sometimes a necessary evil, but one thing is having war declared on a country and another thing is invading a country that is NOT declaring war on anyone, under false pretenses and proceeding to kill almost 100,000 of its citizens and counting in the process….
November 13, 2007 at 11:15 am #187875*Lotus
MemberRegarding the patriot act watch “State of fear” if you can find it. This is a documentary on the shining path to Fujimori’s rule in Peru. While watching this I could only think how the current administration would love to(and has) use terrorism as an “excuse” to seize our civil liberties….permanently. History shows us that once the government takes something from us we don’t get it back, from temporary tolls to taxes and so on.
November 13, 2007 at 11:38 am #187876rebaragon
MemberTo anyone that wonders why people from all walks of life question US military intervention in Iraq: I would also like you to consider that even when you are a military member, you have a profound and basic duty to NOT to comply with orders, no matter who gives them, if they are NOT legitimate. This isn’t something new and I know that for a soldier anywhere, it must be a difficult choice not to obey the orders of a superior, but when something is wrong you just can’t accept it because it’s a military order from your superior–no matter how high the rank of origination. That’s what the world told Nazi soldiers after WWII and that’s what the conscience of the world demands of ALL soldiers. Both my father and my grandfather were military lifers in Cuba and as such had seen various administrations come and go, including previous Batista administrations that had been legitimately voted in on the island, but when the Cuban people elected another president and Batista gave a coup d’etat and took over the island government illegitimately, both of them resigned their posts even though at the time they were in charge of a large jail complex in Isla de Pino (which held mostly civilians but also had some political prisoners). When Batista asked my grandfather, “Comandante Aragón Medinilla, why are you resigning when there is so much to be gained by all in charge, he answered, “I will gladly work for you, as I have done in the past, as long as you’re respecting the will of the people you are supposed to represent and you know very well that is not what has happened here.” I still can’t believe he made it out alive from that office, but I guess Batista actually respected a man (at least this time) that acted on principle even if Batista had very few of his own. Later, the fact that they stood by their principles actually saved my father’s life when they were hoping to execute him there. The former prisoners of that jail, civilian and political, were the ones that provided a physical barrier to defend my dad and later effectively gave testimony of my father’s fairness of character to the point that he was released.
So when the Commander in Chief of any country tells his soldiers to act out his illegitimate orders, it’s the duty of not just every citizen to question it, but also of every military man and women because before any form of nationalism/patriotism we must be loyal to basic human principles of fairness, justice and the deepest belief that life is precious and that’s not just our own life, but the life of every other human being too. As Lotus points out, we cannot let any superior officer, president, etc. run amuck thru the use of fear–fear is useful in nature in a pinch to make you act in ways that keep you safe, but it makes for a really bad life counselor on an everyday basis–We shouldn’t give in to fear nor support those that hope to oppress others (when calling it “freeing” them) thru the use of fear (and what can be a greater fear inducer than fearing for your very life?)…Courage is not the lack of fear, it’s facing your fears head on and still be willing to act out of your deepest principles, having and acting out your conscience…
November 19, 2007 at 4:54 pm #187877fishrman
MemberFor anyone interested and with an “open mind” there are some video out there where you can see some of the actual video footage of the 9-11 events and hear from some of the true experts some of which were involved in the design and construction of the twin towers, as well as some of the first responders to the WTC. One of the videos is located at http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com and another is at http://www.loosechange911.com. I know there is other stuff out there, but as one who was watching the news first hand, before the government seized the video and doctored them, I observed what happened and I can assure you that it was a missle, not a plane that hit the Pentagon! Look at all the evidence out there and open your minds and you’ll see that this was all planned by the US government to strip us of our civil rights and to line the pockets of the true rulers of the world…the money machines! Open your eyes and your minds and you’ll see the truth! It’s out there waiting for you to find it!
November 20, 2007 at 2:26 am #187878Alfred
MemberFishrman,I saw those and thought they were pretty impressive. Then there’s this one http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread79655/pg1.
I believe this particular one has a little more physical evidence.
December 1, 2007 at 5:37 pm #187879diego
MemberI have read a bunch of this and I say ask your self this question:
Take a country any country and ask yourself this – If the front door to it was left open – would people run into it – or would they run out???
Obviously many more people are running into the US then running out – and I say that as one of the people who is running out.
December 1, 2007 at 5:55 pm #187880Andrew
KeymasterThere are actually more wealthy people in the US “running out of” the US than ever before and we all know that the VAST MAJORITY of people “running into” the USA are far, far, far from being wealthy. In fact, many of them never had a “front door” before
Scott Oliver – Founder
WeLoveCostaRica.comDecember 1, 2007 at 11:12 pm #187881diego
MemberI didn’t realize that we were only talking about rich people – So what is rich? Does that also mean all the foreign students and Asians that are in the US are also poor (hardly) – and what is your definition of poor? Some of the richest people I know have little money. And according to your post, Jesus and Gandhi and Mother Teresa etc etc etc are poor people without a door. I guess they hardly count either.
I do not define my self by my financial wealth – and I believe most Ticos do not either. So does that mean that the Ticos who constantly complain to me that they would like to get a visa to the US but can’t – do not count.
I suppose not – according to your post. “money-o-centric?” I would expect better from you Scotto – And BTW England has been the grand daddy of empire building and us North Americans learned it from the Brits – so before you are so quick to point the finger – think about the ancestry. The apple seems not to fall far from the tree…
December 2, 2007 at 1:41 am #187882rebaragon
MemberYou can read the recent article on firearms for yourself–unfortunately, the Brits have been “conquering” around the world much longer than the US and Scott seems pretty well aware of this…https://www.welovecostarica.com/members/1659.cfm
The people flocking to the US for education are one thing and don’t necessarily stay (either by choice or because they aren’t granted visas). Even the foreigners coming in just to buy goods which their currency can buy so much more of since the tanking of the dollar are a separate issue because they’re not planning on sticking around for long. The people SNEAKING into the US for work (that even when underpaid is still so much more than they could earn in their own countries) is another. Unfortunately, if the downturn on the US economy and the immigration raids continue, they may find more frustration than jobs…My niece has been coming to the US since she was little to visit us, works for Intel in CR and just recently when she went to renew her US visa, but they gave her a restricted visa…why? Because they don’t want her to get any ideas about living in the US when all she wants is to travel and visit her family that lives in the US. Not withstanding, everyday there are thousands of illegal immigrants risking life and limb to get into the US to be able to make some money that they can also share with their family members back home. Take a look at some of the Salvadoran and Mexican numbers (remesas)–it’s amazing how much $ gets into these countries from legal & illegal workers within the US.
The people that have options within the US are the people that are questioning their home address, just like you and me (from college students to entrepreneurs), the people that have even less options back home are the ones still flocking to the US….The demographics of the US have already undergone great changes and will be even more profoundly altered under the current circumstances….
December 2, 2007 at 1:43 pm #187883diego
MemberI don’t think Scott need mamita to run to his defense and just when I thought you were starting to make sense you write this brown-nose post that .. makes no sense .. typical.
Some peoples opinion and sense of rightness means more to them then reality – thank God its not that way across the board.
12 million illegals in the US (conservatively) and they are not leaving. (I wish they would) tells you which way they are running.
Who opens their border to Cubans? Who opens their borders to the poor of the world – the ones that don’t “count” because they have no money. Would that have been your family once upon a time aragon? I call that compassion.
It’s obviously the greatest country in the world. Or maybe England or Cuba is better? aragon – how come you have not returned to Cuba? The American people have made it so — even if the politicians get in the way. It has its cultural faults but it is responsible for the stability that has provided overall peace that has allowed other countries to prosper.
Its one thing to be a Bush basher -. It is another to be a US basher. And you aragon – the US has helped you get your education and supported you by creating opportunity. The word “ingrate” comes to mind. You spout your self-aggrandizing pseudo intellectual flatulence and then you back-stab a country that made your family what it is (whatever that is – as it obviously does not include being appreciative and grateful and loyal).
Why don’t you take note of attitudes like CR home builders. Obviously a patriot, like me, who is hedging a bet and exploring other opportunities – not bashing his country. When the planes hit the towers, I was running to the airport (not away from it) to return home to defend my country. Regardless of where I have homes and what countries I do business in, I am an American first. I appreciate what my country has done for me and the world. And I am not about to bash it over its imperfections.
People come to the US for opportunity. If there was no opportunity they would not come. Therefore the US is a great country that people are still flocking to and a large amount of people with money that come here stay here. And I am not talking just about Cubans (like you aragon) who have done so well they own a large part of southern Florida.
I wish the US would close it schools to the rest of the world and I wish we would stop defending the rest of the world – would you like that aragon? I say stop supporting the ingrates and those who wish to fleece and run. I say close the door to your types – the one who will not assimilate and the ones who have no alligence.
Where would of your ancestors ran to if the door was closed? Who took the felons and convicts from Muriel? Should we have sent them back? Do you know what Cuban jails are like??? I do.
Your attitude illustrates the biggest problem with US immigration. People come there to suck off the government teat and do not assimilate – they develop no allegiance to the US. They use our schools and hide behind our constitution and they do not appreciate that we are breaking our economy to hunt down the bad guys and impede Muslim extremist, and creating stability through out most of the world.
I personally wish that the US would thumb its nose at the rest of the world and let the Castro, Chaves and other waiting-in-the-wing empire builders have there way with all the poor that allegedly don’t count.
The US is a great nation because of the poor that came here, made homes and family and business and integrated and assimilated and pledged allegiance.
aragon did you pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. If you did it sure does not sound like it. So, did you? I am curious. I am sure I will not get an answer. If I do, it will only expose your hypocrisy.
Now, there are a lot of people that just want to suck it dry. You flaunt you little want a be jet setting freedom and “I am educated all over the world” and “my friends here and my friends there” blah blah blah and all your self perceived righteousness has been granted because of the opportunity and freedom the US has provided you – aragon.
Do you know how much physical oppression has been alleviated by the US people and their army? It far out weighs the bad that we have done. Far out weighs it.
US bashers need to get a grip – Its one thing to bash Bush. It another to let the freedoms and opportunities the US provides go unrecognized.
Bush bashing is one thing – being anti-American is another. We the people make it a great country that defends the world. If Ortega invades Costa Rica – who are the Tico going to call – ghost busters???
So this is an opportunity for those on this forum to announce their allegiance to the US. Who will stand up, as our troops stand up around the world for the freedom our great nation provides and represents? I am curious.
Could this be the return of the “bad” Diego…
December 2, 2007 at 2:36 pm #187884Andrew
KeymasterIt may the return of the “bad Diego” but it’s his last posting of this nature
From the private emails I have received from at least a dozen other VIP Members, it is unanimous that the overwhelming amount of “pseudo intellectual flatulence” comes from Diego and not from Rebaragon or anybody else.
Diego – We will NOT have any more of your personal insults and offensive language in this forum or you will be barred.
Scott Oliver – Founder
WeLoveCostaRica.comDecember 2, 2007 at 4:55 pm #187885rebaragon
MemberDistortions seem to be a persistent attribute of yours Diego…As much as I have disagreed with many US political doctrines imposed around the world, I have always had great respect for much of what the US was built on and that’s what I have always expressed in this Forum…I have never “bashed” America, I have criticized current and disgraceful political actions that have torn to shreds just what I love about this country (The Constitution, Bill of Rights and the right to Habeas Corpus, the profound not convenient thoughts of freedom, separation of church and state and the inalienable rights of ALL people to name a few).
The immigration issue is what it is…People are currently appalled to see what Bush’s America has become and it doesn’t jive with the US that honest and conscientious people have in their hearts–not to mention that he’s managed to devastate the country’s economy in less than 2 terms which is why people that can make another choice regarding their home addresses are making that choice more than ever. For those that have even worse situations back home in their native countries, then to them the US still seems a viable and good option. Frankly, I would love nothing more than to have the US return to what the US was actually founded on whether I choose to stay here or not and I would bet that a lot of other US citizens and people in this forum feel the same way…
I only happen to be the mom of one person and her name isn’t Scott. I gave you the link for your info, what you choose to distort from that is always up to you.
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