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    Do most of you have one lawyer that handles all your business? Or is it more common in Costa Rica to have lawyers more specialized?

    In the next 10 months, we will be hiring a lawyer to help us with the residency application as well as buying a place.

    Also, does anyone have a lawyer(s) to recommend in the San Isidro area?


    San Isidro Grecia????

    [quote=”critterhill”]Do most of you have one lawyer that handles all your business? Or is it more common in Costa Rica to have lawyers more specialized?

    In the next 10 months, we will be hiring a lawyer to help us with the residency application as well as buying a place.

    Also, does anyone have a lawyer(s) to recommend in the San Isidro area?[/quote]

    barbara ann

    be very careful, the first atty we had in jaco kept our file for one year and never did a thing with it,. The attorney we finally used is close to the US embassy and is excellent. A lot of people use ARCR but I found their price to be higher


    San Isidro del General. Sorry I didn’t clarify.


    Attorneys who handle residency matters are specialists with better contacts and more experience that the run-of-the-mill attorneys who populate all of Costa Rica’s towns and cities. Go to a specialist for residency. Send me a private message and I’ll give you a referral.

    Otherwise, general practice attorneys can handle most other legal matters. Don’t necessarily opt for the cheapest guy, and if the matter is really important, get a second attorney to check the work of the first. It’s relatively cheap and can prevent many, many headaches.


    Thanks so much, David!


    [quote=”critterhill”]Do most of you have one lawyer that handles all your business? Or is it more common in Costa Rica to have lawyers more specialized?

    In the next 10 months, we will be hiring a lawyer to help us with the residency application as well as buying a place.

    Also, does anyone have a lawyer(s) to recommend in the San Isidro area? [/quote]

    After being left swinging in the wind by two different attorneys, we found an attorney who handled our home purchase and our residency. She now handles all of our needs. Her office is in San Sebastian just south of San Jose proper.


    Recommend you deal with a residency expert first. Then take your time to find a property, but don’t be in too much of a hurry.
    Just had a friend tell me that that they thought this same area was perfect for them…and found out, it didn’t fulfill their needs.


    What didn’t your friends like about the area? Or what was missing?


    Thanks to everyone for their recommendations. We will check them out and determine which lawyer best suits our needs.

    We are counting the days to moving to Costa Rica!


    costaricafinca’s advice should be taken to heart.

    There are many micro-climates in Costa Rica and there is one that will suit you.

    You also need to consider what services you will need and make sure that you have everything easily available to you.


    Mainly routine things they required were not easily available.
    Long trips needed to get what and where they wanted to go.

    They found it [i]really[/i] limited their access to others.
    Restricted from activities that they would like to be involved in.

    Internet access was disappointing.

    [i]Everybody[/i] has different requirements, and this takes time to find out.

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