Leasing Cars in Costa Rica

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    Aspiring newcomers to Costa Rica are often advised to come for six months or so, rent housing, and decide if this is really right for them. It’s not bad advice; however, if you don’t live in or near San Jose, getting around can be a challenge without a vehicle.

    Does anyone know of a way to rent or lease a vehicle for an extended period of time, like (say) six months? I’m sure the commercial car rental agencies would rent a car for an extended period, but the cost would probably be pretty great. Has anyone found another approach that worked?


    I am not aware of any formal companies that will lease for 6 months. You might have good luck with “informal” that rent older Elantras and Geo Trackers. I believe there is one in the directory on this site and they also advertise in the Tico Times Online and AM Costa Rica.

    A possible option would be to buy a very popular car that could be sold quickly:

    Hyundai Galloper TD 1993 http://autos.fijatevos.com/listing-Hyundai+Galloper+TD+1993-717.html

    Suzuki Sidekick 1997

    You could use it while you are here and sell it when you plan to leave. If you were dealing with a reputable dealer, they would probably even promise to take it on consignment for you when you leave. Obviously they would have to be VERY reputable in this case, because you would leave and depend on them to wire you the money upon sale.

    There would be some costs involved (like transfer taxes – dealer’s commission), but it would more than likely work out to be more economical than renting for 6 months.


    If you’re going to lease (or rent) a Geo Tracker or any other vehicle from what fijatevo is calling “informal” companies I’d suggest being very-very careful. Don’t put any money up front until you SEE that the vehicle is what you were told you’d be getting. I would stick to the well known larger companies. A good deal isn’t always such a good deal.


    Hi Dave,
    Were you able to find a suitable option? – because your question is one that perplexes me as well. I would like to come down to CR and rent for 5 or 6 months but would also require wheels and rental agency costs appear prohibitive.


    Buenas dias, Marika,

    No, I have not found a suitable solution for this problem. We live here full-time and own a car, so for us personally it’s not an issue. But we have a guest house which is available to rent to folks like yourself who may be coming for an extended period, and I cannot imagine getting around for a very long time without a car. We’re on a bus route into Grecia, but still . . .

    We’ve even thought of buying a second car to offer to a potential renter, but I dunno . . .


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