Lesbian & Gay communites in Central Valley?

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    I am looking to move to Costa Rica preferable the central valley, the climate is more to our tastes. Does anyone know of any Gay & Lesbian comunities in the central valley? We are looking to buy an existing house or preferably build one on a nice size lot we are plant lovers.



    Hi Ginger,
    I’m not the most knowleger of Costa Rica, I’ve been there 4 times in the last year, and I am making preparations for moving there permantly, but I have been to the Pacific Coast, Manuel Antonio, and the San Jose area in the central valley, even though Manuel Antonio has one or two gay bars, the gay scene is definetly in the San Jose area. Many clubs, the general public seems to be very acceptance in the center city area. There seems to be a new gay venue opening every month. And the folks are all extremely guapo/guapa!!!


    I spent some time in Grecia, and there seemed to be a noticeable gay community there. It’s a very nice town with great weather too.


    As my gay Tico friends say, “Everyone in Costa Rica is gay, if the circumstances are right.” I have friends in Liberia, Guanacaste, and all around San Jose and environs. Liberia has no gay bars or other establishments. San Jose has a multitude.

    Try this site: http://www.gayCostaRica.com

    Good luck!



    Hi Ginger. Try this site as well: http://www.gaysincostarica.com

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