Looking for Attorney to set up Corporations in CR

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    I did a search for corporations and sent a message to the attorney at the bottom of the article hoping to hear from him but it has now been 3-4 days since I sent it and no reply.
    Anyone know of a good attorney that is fair priced when it comes to setting up a few corporations?


    You can do no better than to contact Lic. Gonzalo Viquez Carazo at gonvicar@viquezoreamuno.com. (506) 2296-4432 The firm is a father/son team; outstanding service, excellent communication (english/spanish)and fair pricing. Tell him Fred the Gringo Ballerina says hi! (private joke, no innuendo here!)


    It would be a good thing to have whatever attorney will handle all or most of your legal work set up your corporation(s). That way, s/he’ll be there to handle things that come up later. So where are you located?


    I’m in South Ms at the moment but have stayed in Grecia area 1 week 2 years ago and 6 weeks last year.
    Was within 2 weeks of selling house when the financial mess happened.


    “Ms” would be Mississippi??

    If you’re looking for a good all-around attorney in the Grecia area, I can recommend Lic. Sylvia Eastwood without reservation. She would do a fine job of setting up your corporation(s) and handling most everything else except (I think) residency.


    MS , yes Mississippi,..

    Thanks for the contact,


    I also live in Grecia and can recommend Lic. Kerby Rojas. He has been my attorney for the last 7 years.


    Thanks again,
    I’m currently on a cruise somehwere off the coast of Guatemala Port on the Gulf side(Castille?)
    Will make contact when I get back,..


    Before you determine how to proceed legally with any transactions in Costa Rica it would be prudent to seek a recommendation from a trusted legal provider at, https://www.welovecostarica.com/members/department41.cfm

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