Making friends in San Ramon and Grecia.

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    Looking to create a social network of English speaking folks as I learn Spanish over the years. I am looking at the Grecia – San Ramon area to rent a place and live.

    I will be in San Ramon Jan 20, 2007 for a week and look forward to getting to know the area.

    Please email me if you can help this Canuck who has his CR resident papers and is searching for a place to live in CR.



    Let’s turn this into a bit more of a ‘discussion’ while we are here…

    If you wish to contact curlyonecurlytwo – by all means do but here’s something I would love to hear more about…

    How easy or difficult has it been for you – our VIP Members living in Costa Rica – to make friends here? Costa Rican friends as well as friends from your own home country?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I’ve made a lot of friends in Costa Rica during my two year odyssey of building a house. Funny thing is, most of them are Ticos. Of course, I’ve made some gringo friends who live in my community, but I really don’t have all that much in common with a lot of the gringos moving to Costa Rica whereas I have more common ground with the locals. It was this way when I lived in Europe, Mexico, and the Bahamas, too.


    In Grecia we have a lot of social groups, one of them meet in the park every morning and then they walk to a local coffe shop. They meet between 9:30am and 10:30am. Our English speaking community is very strong. If you are in Grecia on Jan 28th we are having a birthday party. Many from the community will be here. You are invited to join in. Contact me privately and I will tell you where we are located in Grecia.


    I have been intereted in Grecia for along time now– to retire. I have also been interested in Atenas, Sarchi and the San Ramon ares.
    What, in your opinion are the differances, attributes, etc of all the above. Why did you pick Grecia?Weather, medical, real estate prices. We are two adults I am 60 my wife is 53/
    Thanks will be in the area in Mid Febrary to look at properties


    You know the wonderful thing about our being here is that it just happened for us. We came here on a vacation and fell in love with the climate. I hate hot weather and I dont like being cold or living in houses shut up in the winter from the cold and in the summer from the heat. Nor do we enjoy changing our closet from summer to spring then to winter. Coats are bulky in the closet and hard to store during summer months. It was the weather and the people here are nice. I dont want to live anywhere you have to be closed up in the house to cool it or heat it. I love fresh clean air. Grecia is all of that and more. The people here are very social, we have some sort of party almost every month. We now have enough people living here now to develop these social groups of the have and have nots. Almost every party we go to someon is building a house, and sharing ideals and information about the process of purchasing land and building.

    It is wonderfull but then you hear it so much, it is sort of like hanging around women that keep sharing the child birth experience. Just had to throw that in (smile). We just love Grecia, there are some outstanding people in our community of foreigners. Plus Grecia is really sort of the country club area of Costa Rica. When you mention Grecia the Tico community have nothing but good things to say. In fact they are very proud of Grecia’s record of being the cleanest city in Central America. Plus we have a California style gym now. That makes Grecia that much better.


    We have made many friends since moving here two years ago. We have wonderful Tico friends as well as many expats that have become very close friends. I think one of the keys is getting involved where you live. Building or remodeling a home and interacting with the workers was one way we became more than just aquaintances with some of the Ticos in the area. My wife volunteers at the local school and teaches and art class once a week, and other expats living here help teach English and a computer class at the school. We have a common interest in helping the kids, so we became good friends with them. We are also involved with a church in the area that has activities that enable you to meet people and make new friends as well as projects we are doing to help the surrounding community. Again, I think the key is to get involved.


    Ken, What’s happening with your home-building project in Monteverde?

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