Massage Therapists want to move to Costa Rica

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    We are two American Massage Therapists wanting to relocate our family to Costa Rica. My question is, do spas only hire locals for spa work or do you see some Americans with those types of jobs, a couple years ago we were going to work at an eco spa near the Osu Peninsula but that fell through. I am also looking into some Pilates training so I can offer that as well. My husband is also a boat mechanic. We aren’t going to be retiring so we need to work! Any suggestions would be awesome.
    The Von Dwingelos


    Please see the following comprehensive threads about working in Costa Rica

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    “If” you could prove that your skills were unique – which is EXTREMELY improbable – the immigration process to get a Visa to work here would take about a year and cost about US$2,000 plus travel expenses which would then enable you to earn about US$300 – $750 per month working full time.

    Costa Rica encourages people to come here, invest, start businesses and employ Costa Ricans but coming here to work as a masseuse would be difficult and we would advise you not to think about coming here and working illegally, that’s just not smart.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    My physical therapist, who spent a year working in a spa in Jaco, charges c10,000 for an hourlong full body massage. That seems to be about the going rate. Maybe that information will help your decisionmaking.


    David is of course referring to people who are legally allowed to work here as masseuses…

    But again, please bear in mind that this should be done legally.

    All it takes is one jealous competitive masseuse making a phone call to his mother-in-law at immigration telling them that you are working here illegally and you’re on your way to the airport under very uncomfortable conditions.

    Thanks to “jealous competitors” making outrageous and unfounded allegations against me – I can unfortunately tell you that every police force that I know of in Costa Rica (including immigration) has paid me a visit so unless you want to waste plenty of time and TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS on attorneys, please do it right!

    The good news is that I now know a few well placed people in immigration, in OIJ and the regular Police Force.

    Scott Oliver – Founder

    PS. I visit a masseuse every week that charges a little more and LOVE it!


    Thanks for the responses, it helps alot to get input. I wouldn’t want to work illegally. Good luck with the storm recovery.



    Can you give me the contact info of your physical therapist in Jaco. If you prefer, email me at Thanks.

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